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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. European Wii Preorders

    Fingers crossed we should know on Monday about Game's deals. I'm assuming they will then phone us to tell us about the shops deals and opening times etc. I wonder when we can expect that call?
  2. Japan Wii Launch

    I feel your pain. I've only ever seen the normal altoids here I need that wintergreen goodness.
  3. European Wii Preorders

    I hope Game's bundles are as good as that if not will be interesting to see if they will price match.
  4. Smoking ban comes kick in on July 1st 2007

    Its no difference to someone calling me a Brit.
  5. European Wii Preorders

    I think he works in Game
  6. 1 day to go!

    I'm a left hander as well but hold a tennis racket, golf club, baseball bat etc in my right. But because I wasn't thinking of the Wii remote like that I put it in my left and it didn't feel 100%.
  7. Wii region free?

    I think it all depends how the hackers hack the console. With the 360 for example the last updated only bricked consoles made after March with Samsung drives.
  8. Love Music Hate Racism

    Agreed best man for the job I say. I'm not saying a black or muslim policeman isn't as good as a white one but if I went to apply to join the Police I would be turned away. But if I was black, muslim or any other ethnic minority I would be accepted with open arms. All should be on an equal playing field I say.
  9. Anyone going to the Red Lion Walk Game in Colchester?
  10. 1 day to go!

    I to had trouble on Wii golf. Were you holding the A (might be B) button when you were swinging? Anywho I was but when i swung back nothing happend but when i swung forward my character swung back very odd was probably holding the controller wrong though. Other than that I loved every second of it when i played the wii
  11. HD TV is the most overrated thing ever!

    I have a hd tv have had one for a year now. Only place I notice a huge difference is on the dashboard. It is an improvement but when i go to my mates i barely notice a difference when i am playing on his standard tv
  12. Call Of Duty 3 Online Thread.

    Count me in. Does everybody have their NAT settings set to open? I think most have them set to moderate or strict which is why people can't connect to games.
  13. history: Xbox 360 online pre-orders question

    Gameplay shipped 360's with city link. You will get the console day of release and no earlier as Gameplay don't break street dates on main consoles. Also it doesn't matter what postage you pick you will still get the console on launch I know this as i got the gamecube and 360 from there
  14. I need to pop into my store to find out what they are doing. I'm expecting 8:30 open at the most
  15. Japanese Launch Thread

    Look whats below soccor
  16. 1 day to go!

    Well guys just had a play on my gamecube for the last time. Was the first time i've used it since August 2005. Has a quick game of Donkey Konga and Smash Bros Melee. Was gonna do OOT once more but i've still gotta finish Rainbow Six by Friday so went against that idea. Just gotta hunt for that bloody box now for when i trade it in.
  17. If you really want to view the internet on your wii head over to youtube and search for internet channel theres vids where they explain how to get the shopping channel to go onto google
  18. All Your Fears Rolled Into One Thread

    At least we have our 360's for those. This is going to be my first time owning two consoles so its going to be nice to get those games that never came out on the Nintendo before
  19. All Your Fears Rolled Into One Thread

    lol yea i heard
  20. All Your Fears Rolled Into One Thread

    My main worry is that my 360 is going to die on me soon. With it coming to a year i've been getting nervous when i turn it on not to mention its been crashing a lot on Rainbow Six. Saying that lately i've been having second thoughts about the Wii although I went through this about a month ago and then when I played it those doubts were gone. Once i've played it again im sure it'll all be fine
  21. 1 day to go!

    Its the Wii launch this comes round once every four years i'm sure it won't hurt to have a few countdown threads for one week out of four years
  22. Two Weeks To Go

    Well well well guys in two weeks time we will finally have our Wii's and will no doubt be playing like mad. So hows everyone feeling about it? What are you gonna do to kill the time? I got that constant excited feeling about three days ago and now I can't stop thinking about it so thats gonna make the time last longer. Really dunno how i'm gonna kill the two weeks i'm thinking lots of Rainbow Six as i've got most of next week off work but the last week should go quick cause I have a full week of work.
  23. UK Wii Tour - Details FINALLY!

    You won't be ruining anything I would go as afterwards you will be so hyped about getting the Wii. I've spent the last two weeks being hyped as hell since playing at bluewater just one week to go
  24. Ninty Preparing Big Christmas Surprise?

    A free vc game would be really good but i doubt they will do that