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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. European Wii Preorders

    Gonna phone them in 20 mins i need to know
  2. European Wii Preorders

    So who hasn't had their call yet?
  3. European Wii Preorders

    I'm number 17 so i should be fine. Just want confirmation
  4. European Wii Preorders

    Game have an hour and a half to call me then angry Scuba calls them
  5. European Wii Preorders

    Same here if I don't hear anything i'm gonna give them a bell. Its crazy I went in yesturday and spoke to this bloke that knew nothing he said in theory i should get one WTF!! I want to know for sure.
  6. European Wii Preorders

    On another note has anyones games been despatched from play yet? And does anyone know what games return policy is at the moment i'm thinking if Zelda doesn't come from Play to buy it at full price from Game then when the order comes from Play to return that one to Game as it will all be sealed.
  7. European Wii Preorders

    Its looking like your only option is going to be hunt around on Friday morning. On another note has anyones games been despatched from play yet? And does anyone know what games return policy is at the moment i'm thinking if Zelda doesn't come from Play to buy it at full price from Game then when the order comes from Play to return that one to Game as it will all be sealed.
  8. European Wii Preorders

    This wait is killing me I swear time has stopped. Yesturday had to be the longest day ever and today since i've been home from work has dragged loads. I can't even be bothered to play Xbox for some reason I just want my WII!!!!!
  9. Suggest A Thread

    Can I suggest you let the users post threads. Its launch week so what if people are a bit over excited this comes around once every four years. Let us enjoy it.
  10. European Wii Preorders

    Lol are the deals the same as what Ashley said?
  11. European Wii Preorders

    Thanks i spose was a member of a rental company for a while and just whizzed through loads of games
  12. Demo Pods

    So mods can create topics but members can't sounds fair doesn't it?
  13. European Wii Preorders

    Getting annoyed with Game I went in the shop today and asked the guy to confirm he said in theory you should get one cause I am number 17 but didn't seem 100%
  14. history: Xbox 360 online pre-orders question

    Your best bet would be to phone them and ask who they are going to use.
  15. Gonna pop into my local game tomorrow trade in my gamecube so i don't have to do it on friday. Also going to take my pre-order receipt as the other day the guy didn't convince me I was getting one he just said i should as i'm number 17 out of 100 or so. Also need to enquire about opening times if it is a 7 opening i'm going to pick it up before work and be late haha.
  16. European Wii Preorders

    No a mixture of play.com and game using voucher codes On another note not impressed with this banning of creating new threads its launch week for christ sake this comes around once every four years the mods need to lighten up a bit. The threads that have been popping up yes are repeats but good discussion has been happening inside. I can also imagine we will be getting lots of new people here this weekend a forum where they can't make topics of discussion isn't going to be very appealing to them.
  17. European Wii Preorders

    Deals don't really bother me as i'm getting my games online. Only paying £30 for each game as well
  18. Hmmmm i start work at 7 on Friday but Games only about a minute away from work me thinks buy Wii before work and be 10minutes late
  19. I'm gonna look like such a goof when I buy my Wii. I'm blatently just gonna be grinning like mad. This is my first time buying a console myself and I usually get them online so this is my first console face to face transaction.
  20. Your First Wii Tasks

    Its launch week people are excited I think it can slide. You really must be a dork to come on here and try and enforce some kind of law. As said above if we need the forum police we will call
  21. 1 day to go!

    I'm pretty sure thats what the guy said to me the other day.
  22. Your First Wii Tasks

    What is this guys problem. He seems to be a killjoy about everything. If we need the forum police we'll call them ok
  23. 1 day to go!

    I'm number 17 out of 101 and ordered on the day they started taking them but I still have a feeling i'm gonna get screwed over
  24. Smoking ban comes kick in on July 1st 2007

    To be honest the smoke in a pub or club doesn't bother me the only time I am bothered by smoking is when I am walking down the street and I get a great big load of the stuff in my face. Will be interesting to see what pubs smell like without this ban i'm expecting piss and beer.
  25. The Uk Wii First Impression Diary Thread

    I hope you've got a component cable ordered.