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Everything posted by BigTac
Looking forward too Nintendo adding other 3rd party characters: Sonic Rayman Crash Megaman Maybe a few others that may fit well
Everyone who still doubts Nintendo's strategy must look at this!! http://moneycentral.msn.com/cnbc/tv/cnbcvideohighlights.aspx Take a look at the Nintendo report with Geaorge Harrison
I really wish that Nintendo would have said much more or showed more of this game. This is gonna be a major game and I really think Nintendo should have gave a few more details. Unless of course that the game isn't far into development wish I hope it is. This is my most anticipated announced game so far. Off-Topic Just thought it was inteesting: I just saw a repot from E3 on CNN Headline News on the "Robin & Company show." When they started out it look like Nintendo was gonna recieve the "cold shoulder" compared to PS3 and 360 from them. But as the report progressed that perception changed. He talked about prices and said that Nintendo is expected to released the Wii somewhere under $250. The Robin who host the show mentioned that she heard the the reporter had a Nintendo Wii controller with him and he said yes that's right and the console also. He went on to describe some of the functions and Robin well she actually said wow! and seemed to be amazed at the controller and even started talking about how it would be used in games. The reporter also talk on Nintendo's strategy in this race. And of course they started joking around on the reports on how americans getting big from sitting up playing video games and how Nintendo could go well with that and help change that perception. In the end the reporter said that it will be the consumers who decide who wins the console race.
No I don't know what they are. But based on what I've heard I can say this: I smell a SpaceWorld type event being held by Nintendo or at least thats what I hope
Remember everyone there are stil quite a few things Nintendo still has to talk about in greater detail and a few secrets. Virtual Console, DS connectivity, Online features...And of course a couple more hardware features.
The most boring conference ever.
Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
BigTac replied to Sarka's topic in Nintendo Gaming
http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5105&page=19 Look at my post on that page. I remember months ago when I said that SquareEnix has more than title coming to Revolution some of you'll doubted. -
You all should believe him as he is for real and also has lots of experience. Personally I haven't heard about this and since Falafelkid is saying this I would take as truth.
Sega will have not only have SMB:BB but Sonic and 2 other games in some form video and/or playable at E3. Capcom have something special coming to Wii. Well they have more than one title in development but I am very interested in one particular launch title that will be at E3. SquareEnix will finally announce that FF:CC 2 isn't the only game they have in development for Wii.
From what I heard over the weekend. The new Mario will be at E3 but not in fully playable form. It will be in video form and playable too only a few behind closed doors. But once again with nintendo you never know what they're gonna do. And it will be a launch title.
You never heard me say anything about big news out on April 20th.
I predict one of the surprises at e3 will be...
BigTac replied to ultrajamie's topic in Nintendo Gaming
I guess I'll play this game also. I predict that the New Mario game will be at E3 in trailer form and playable behind closed doors. I also predict the very first hint to where the GameBoy line is heading. That's probally all we'll get. I predict that Wii wil launch both Black and White. I know it probally won't happen but it's just my wish. Doing this and still keeping up manufactoring numbers and prices will be more difficult. There are rumors though. -
First of all let me say tat Insider does know things. Thats all I will say about him. Also I never said that Mr.Inc was real. Only that whether he was real or not some of the things he had said were real. Regaurding Ubisoft and their Revolution projects. Yes I did state that a Brothers in Arms title was coming to the Revolution, along with some others. Look back at that list. That was back in January. In early March I believe that I said mentioned here that some of Ubisoft's plans have changed as I was informed. It may seem strange but that what happened. NDA's have me bound so I can't discuss exact details on titles involved. All I can say is wait until E3.
Hey everyone! I would would just like to say that E3 will be amazing. There will be some absolute crazy things at E3 and when there revealed people will say wow. Talking with developers it sounds too me that the Revolution really is something special. On regaurds to the final major secret(as there are more than one) I still don't know what it is. Well at least to say whether it's a fact or not. Nintendo Wii, well it's a very different name but i must say I was suprised when I first heard it. Too me it doesn't what the name is anyway though I would have preferred Nintendo RS or N5. OH on the recent news about Madden Revolution 07 well apparently they have improved the controls quite a bit since i saw it back in February. Remember I said that they had multiple control options and apparently they have settled on one. And it happens too be the method that I liked the least so I'll just see how that turns out. I won't be at E3 this year(sucks) so I be on the internet just like you all watching a live feed of the E3 press conference. Those pics released on Red Steel just don't do the game justice visually and apparently Nintendo has other than MP3 a few other titles looking to show off what the Revolution could do. My last words for you'll in this post: Look Out!!
Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer
BigTac replied to guarana's topic in Nintendo Gaming
http://www.gamespot.com/news/6147699.html Speaking on this, both Nintendo and Ubisoft know that this will be big at E3. Having Red Steel, Gears of Wars, MGS4 in one session creates the perfect situation for Ubisoft using Nintendo's strategy to show that even thought Red Steel is behind graphically it's ahead in controlability. For Nintendo, E3 will be the place to prove to the public that what they have done is the best road to take. It maybe be a one shot thing for Nintendo but as the have done with the DS, I believe they will do it once again with their new home console. But only this time they will have a much better software lineup from launch unlike the DS. -
Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer
BigTac replied to guarana's topic in Nintendo Gaming
http://revolution.ign.com/articles/701/701658p1.html Remember all of my words in the past on Ubisoft and Nintendo -
Red Steel -1ST Rev game screenshots in gameinformer
BigTac replied to guarana's topic in Nintendo Gaming
First let me say I will not reveal anything all-new and exclusive right now. Read this and now remember how I talked about Ubisoft. I always said that out of all the developers, I'm most excited about them. Now first let me say that I have not played "Red Steel." I will however be playing exactly what GI people played soon. The team at Ubisoft knew that they wanted to make games for the revolution after the DS released. Impressed with how Nintendo had created a handheld that offered new twists on familiar gameplay, as well as all-new game concpts that everyone can play, they knew that the publisher would pursue a similair goal with its next console. After learning that the revolution's remote style controller would be based on motion sensing technology that translates the players movements into the game, the team immediatly began conceptualizing by playing with the remotes laying around there offices, trying to pinpoint what movements were the most fun to do. The engineers on staff spent countless hours waving television remotes around, emulating the motions for digging, throwing, swinging and more. Once their antics began to coalesce into the actual game concepts, they brought their ideas to Nintnedo's President Satoru Iwata and the companys cheif creative officer, Shigeru Miyamoto. "We got tons of ideas of interactions, and these are what we brought to Japan when we went to see Mr. Iwata and Mr. Miyamoto" said Damien Moret, the teams marketing game manager. This is what the Revolution is about. For those wondering this isn't the only game going to be revealed this month before E3. From my knowledge I don't think any games from Nintendo will be shown before E3. About those 20 titles for launch. Sounds like a great number. Expected. Important note for those who still doubt. "This is nothing", "You haven't seen anything yet" , Basicall the words from someone inside Nintendo was: "This is only the beginning" Nintendo is coming out swinging. They know what they have to do and they are set out to do just that. No name calling or anything but. Someone on here actually confirmed to me that they are real by confirming that they new about this exclusive title by sending me pm's. Basically as soon as they mentioned a code-name and/or reference to Red Steel I know that they were real. And this was before AMN Revolution posted they're story on "Katana". -
http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1527445/20060330/index.jhtml?headlines=true Here are just a few things said: Full interview at link. Does Nintendo President Satoru Iwata have an ace up his sleeve? Or is he just a good bluffer? "Our primary focus with the Nintendo Revolution has been to create a system that can do things that the other systems can't, that has functionality that the other systems don't have," he said through a translator. "And speaking to that, there are some other unique features of the Nintendo Revolution hardware that we haven't discussed yet that we will be announcing at E3." E3 is the Electronics Entertainment Expo, the annual video game trade show held each May. "There's people in the house that don't play video games whatsoever. And when people see what we have to offer at E3, they're going to understand that that wall's been broken down and we now have created a system that's going to allow for a much, much larger user base than any system we've seen before." "Internally at Nintendo, with the success of 'Brain Training,' our own developers have gradually started offering their own unique ideas, and that's where we're really starting to see this come to fruition."When asked how Nintendo would cultivate innovation from American development partners, Iwata once again pointed to the May conference. "We're going to announce at E3 some games that are being developed by people we met with at the Game Developers Conference last year that will be for Nintendo Revolution," he said. There's one game creator Iwata said might be inspired by Nintendo's efforts. "Recently I have gained a little bit of interest in getting more involved in game development again," he said. But he quickly downplayed the idea. He was too busy on weekends preparing speeches, he said.
eredrend ni ramoec d3 rep phasicrp
My mistake that was a error on my part I meant at GDC there was lots of behind closed doors action going on between developers and Nintendo. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/699/699037p1.html Pandemic's Resnick said that the studio was "enthralled" with the Revolution, but that it hasn't made any official announcements about games in development for it yet. Meanwhile, Zeschuk from BioWare was every bit as optimistic, if not more so. "Well, the Revolution is a very different platform, and we've actually just seen some things behind closed doors that are just mind-blowing," he said. "Very, very exciting.They're doing something that's very different and unique." Be on the look out at IGN. Sounds like Matt uncovered some very interesting info on Revolution hardware. I know most of you are probally in Europe but for those who aren't check IGN around 10:00-11:00pm eastern. http://blogs.ign.com/matt-ign
Capcom have a few titles up there sleeve. Based on some info they seem to have between 3-4 titles in development. Capcom reps have confirmed that they will have at least 2 titles at E3 in some shape or form. Also new rumor. As you know Kojima is working on a exclusive Revolution title, and I have told you all the Mikami is working on a exclusive title. Their not the only big name guys that have something exclusive coming Nintendo's way. Some talk about Kojima, Mikami and also one other big name producer showing up in Nintendo's E3 show presenting their games. I certainly would love to see this happen. It would be crazy if it did happen. Oh by the way. At GDC there was lots of behind closed doors stuff seen and used between Nintendo and developers.
No you misunderstood. Ubisoft does have 7 titles. With 3-4 deep in development. The 1 or 2 RPG's I mentioned where just new games I uncovered last week at GDC in development for Nintendo next system. By 2 different developers none of which are Ubisoft or Camelot. Hey Jav, I agree with you that we will see the Revolution by the end of the year in Japan, Europe, and US. But I do know that at one point in January/early February that some developers thought that the Revolution would miss it's 06 Europe release. Now most people I talk to (developers, Nintendo insiders, other journalist) seem to agree that it will hit in 06. And if Nintendo do push back into 07 it would be a huge mistake for them to make. And yes it may make no sense to debate things that have no concrete answer yet, such as pricing. But since I was asked that question about pricing I decide to answer it based on talks with people actually making games for the Revolution. Oh, I think I may have mentioned this before but anyways. Look out for what Zoonami has coming for the Revolution. Again nothing new or exclusive as it has been suggested and hinted that they have been working on the Revolution for a long time. But I just thought that I wiould remined you guys.
"Warning if your expecting huge new unreleased info and/or leaks you won't get any." This is what I said at the beginning of my thread. I'm sorry but if your expecting me to just come out and reveal everything I know then your not gonna get it. Oh by the way BGS, The Revolutions software will cover all ranges from $25-$50+ dollars. You may or may not see it right away at launch but that what it will be. How could I not "cover all the basis" is someone asked me about pricing. Also regaurding what I say as already being highly rumored or heard before. Well I'll ask you this, what haven't we all heard about the Revolution? Hardware, software, and feature wise. Whether it's true or false info it's almost impossible to say something direct and new and exclusive without actually revealing something you weren't suppose to say. That doesn't mean that I won't reveal something if I feel the urge to and I know I could get away with it. Well anyway I would just to let you all know as I said before recently I have looking into actually becoming a part of the video games industry as a programmer/graphic designer. I have been offered 2 jobs. One for a big company on the west coast USA and another offer for developer in Japan. So by July/August I should be gone and finally starting my dream.
Well since I heard back in January that Nintendo have decided upon the final name of the system I still have yet to hear what it is. Though Nintendo sources have said to me that we will al love it. I think it may have something to do with what they are hiding. Hence they haven't revealed it yet. But thats only speculation on my part.
Pricing = Hardware $199.49-$249.99 I honestly don't see the system launching for $150. I would like to see Nintendo have some sort of bundle for the launch. Whether it's 2 controllers and 2 nun-chuk attchments/ 1 controller with nun-chuk and classic shell attachment.... Games = $39.99-$49.99 There will be games that will be cheaper, think $25-$30. Also possible according to Nintendo that there maybe games that are $50+. Most 3rd parties seem to just be going for the $49.99 on most games.