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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. What ID do you use when you're out?

    @ jayseven; Dude... you're reciting Guardian propaganda. Wow: I can name shit papers too. Also, it matters not who has our data, the UK Govt. have the worst track record when it comes to data safety. It would help if we could get out of a two party system: the Sun didn't like that idea. No. I'm not going to run through 100+ years of history with you, including the Reichstag Fire, aswell as a lessons on modern Britain, Liberty and Democracy etc. No. Every little helps, however. Are you one of those people who believes the Soviets were trying to control all their citizens? Using ID papers as help? If so, your argument fails at the first hurdle.
  2. What ID do you use when you're out?

    By the looks of things, you and Scotland will be abandoning us within a decade or so anyway (The United Kingdom of Southern Great Britain?). That is if Scotland didn't make financial losses each year, because the North Sea doesn't make them the Saudi-esque oil barons they wish to be. I assume NI isn't too financially stable either?
  3. What ID do you use when you're out?

    Because it only takes one Stalin/Hitler/Rompuy to fuck you in the arse: The UK, and the West in general is too 1984 as it is: taking an extra step towards it isn't a good idea; unless you're a masochist of course. If the Govt. & agencies did their "jobs" in the first place, there'd be no excuse for ID cards whatsoever. IDs wouldn't help anyway (not with things they claim will be fixed): Russians will still be using fake Polish Passports, and we grow our own terrorists in Luton, Manchester and Ireland anyway. The people should not be afraid of their government. "Papers please"
  4. Movie reviews

    I'm sorry that Mathematics goes right over your head: It does exist. 100% exists 100%. End. It's not my place to warp it beyond meaning. I would consider giving something a 10 despite 10 basically representing perfect; which is why I put perfect in quotes: There is such a thing as rounding up ; sorry if I didn't really explain that part and I was misleading. Also, I never said I'd give a perfect film 99%, I was talking about a near perfect film. P.S. Your Arnie film sounds crap, I expect it'd be a 4/10 at best; especially with that c*** Yaweh's track record.
  5. What ID do you use when you're out?

    In theory, and from what was originally suggested by The Reich. I don't know whether it's accepted in practice. Labour got voted out is what happened; though even they were stumbling with it.
  6. What ID do you use when you're out?

    That sucks. The best way to not get asked for ID is to not shave for 2-3 days before buying 18 rated goods. Though I wouldn't suggest the girls do that Don't the rest of the country get free cards similar to BITE Cards around the age of 15 or so?
  7. What ID do you use when you're out?

    It depends. It can take anywhere from a week to a month or so (in rarer cases) from what I've read after using GOOGLE I got mine too long ago to remember. They're not as picky about photo quality as the c***s at the Passport Office though.
  8. What ID do you use when you're out?

    They should do. There aren't any proper foreign ID rules in the UK, acceptable IDs are supposed to have the "Pass logo", but obviously foreign cards wont. The ones I have seen/checked look legit and proper (ones belonging to my ex, "Canadian guy" and "Sexy Polish Girl"). When in Malta at 17 I didn't want to lose my passport, but they accepted my European-health-thingy card everywhere I went to get pissed; which don't have pics, but do have an age.
  9. What ID do you use when you're out?

    My unfortunately-still-green driving licence. Most people seem to use driving licences from my experience selling fags and alcohol. Foreigners tend to use their country's ID cards ("Seig Heil!").
  10. Movie reviews

    It doesn't make 90% a perfect score, just a high one; I'm not shifting anything anywhere. Show me a perfect (or even near) film/game, and I'll give it 100%, or maybe a 99%. If anything, it's people who give things 100% who're shifting the idea of great/brilliant onto perfect; or they're just easily pleased, like a child. I still see 10 as giving a "perfect", primarily because 100% systems might aswell be reduced to 10 point systems in the first place (what on Earth's the point of giving 77 or 78?). I don't have anything against .5 (20 point) systems though. I actually use a 7 level system myself (not that I've used it properly yet), mainly because I find a 5 star rating too restrictive. I have to change how I use it on sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IGN however - obviously reducing range when sites use 5 stars.
  11. Movie reviews

    Nor should you, or anyone.
  12. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    From what the reviews are saying it's what I expected from the game. Most people are probably going to wait for it to hit the £15-£20 mark; which makes it extra sucky that you can't delete saves.
  13. Well I don't really know any girls, so.... at least not many who're any more than acquaintances.
  14. Movie reviews

    Rotten Tomatoes' system isn't exactly brilliant: A 50% and 10% give the same degree towards rotten as far as I'm aware. I'm possibly going to start reviewing films soon, which I'll put on RTs. I feel I'm pretty firm but fair*; a lot of critics seem to either be over-critical or rather/complete fanboys: Something I noticed tonight is overcriticalness of the Bluth classics. For now you can take a peek at the ratings for the films I've watched semi-recently and been bothered/remembered to rate if you like. There's not much there at the moment though. Actual reviews take a bit of effort, but I'll do one or two soon. *There's a reason I never give 100%s
  15. YouTube Subtitles - Transcribe Audio - LOL

    Is this how the decade's insults are going to be invented?
  16. Mario&Luigi series

    I've not completed the first (stuck against that little green guy), but it's certainly better than the second. Due to the time of release of Inside Story (lack of money) I didn't get it near release so I've yet to pick it up.
  17. I'm trying not to worry about the latter It seems like most "decent" girls are attached, or seem the type to be very likely to be.
  18. General Movie Thread

    I just didn't like the whole standard fare: The same old gang with no real changes. It made it loose the whole "we're the last left" feel: Slinky should have been missing. There were too many characters in on the adventure too, meaning purpose/screen time was limited: Bullseye was barely involved at all.
  19. General Movie Thread

    Toy Story 4 is a bad idea. They only just scraped under the barrier with 3.
  20. Do others worry about girls having boyfriends/whatever when chatting them up etc?
  21. What Have You Bought?

    LBP2 was "free", and (bar the Story Mode) is supposedly similar, but with better/easier level creation. Having good level creation tools doesn't make me any less shit at level creation however.
  22. What Have You Bought?

    Well I'm trying to play series' in order: hence no God of War III (or MGS4 - waiting for the MGS collection). I'm also thinking of getting The Sly Trilogy.
  23. The 'Illuminati' / whatever.

    Na; I find bribery a lot less inister; though I do think people involved in bribery and fraud etc should lose their right to ownership.
  24. The 'Illuminati' / whatever.

    I do sometimes think there's something going on concerning the UK "authorities" (Judges, Govt. etc); if only because I don't like to believe people in charge can be so retarded.