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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    I still don't know which ver. to get
  2. Have Nintendo changed their ways?

    I reckon another part was possibly to set up a better technical place in order to deal with the Brawl issue. It always has.
  3. Why Zelda Wii will probably be the best game ever.

    I don't think it will be, though I hope it will; Twilight Princess was kinda disappointing, it got lost within itself and tried to be OOT & MM. If it tries to be it's own game it'll be fine; the only dislike I have for WW is for it's forced exploration at the end rather than of a Temple, instead of simply having a "persuaded" exploration throughout. (And the difficulty level)
  4. Halo 3 Kid. In 10 years time..

    Have you not seen/heard the US military?...I'm pretty sure they've hired him.
  5. We're all going to die....

    Can't they just leave things be? Stupid humans. They always think something's a good idea...like industrialisation, or "democracy".
  6. Nintendo Characters

    I have to say it's the weird sexual ones. Birdo & Tingle. I mean, a Nintendo game with the PEGI sexual warning is just awesome.
  7. NOM September : Playing Cards

    The old set of cards were bad quality though My Chain Chomp one was blown up until the other day when I was sorting out my room, so I let it down. I think I chucked the Pokémon one out. I also still have punchbag-type-thingy Bullet Bill blown & watered up (there was also a Ganondorf & ?Bowser? one).
  8. Star Wars Clone Wars

    Don't worry, that's as far as I was taking it:) Yeah, it's just ashame that
  9. The London Underground

    Yeah; it's not too bad if you avoid rush hour(s). The way it all works actually reminds me of an airport; I think it's just cos of all the people and such. If all British public transport was at least as good the Underground (but cheaper and cleaner), the country would be a much better place. It's just ashame the city stinks of shit.
  10. Branded Condoms

    You don't need a condom for that. Nor should one be used.
  11. Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop (BEST NAME EVER?!)

    It's Drop Til You Drop
  12. Star Wars Clone Wars

    Oh, I know it is. I actually don't mind the prequels at all. When comparing them to the others at 1st they seemed a little rubbish, but after watching all the films quite a few times since III was released, there's not THAT much wrong with them. The old ones were a little tongue in cheek too, and the acting isn't THAT bad in any of the films, people really like to exaggerate things. I'm sure part of the reason it's cool to hate the prequels is because one of the undertone story things, of Episode I at least, is that democracy is shit. Whereas the mirror image is in the originals; that dictatorship is shit.
  13. Monkey Madness

    It's ashame most animal hybrids are unable to reproduce... Indeed. I'd make a list of comparison right now if I could remember what was released in the cube's 2nd year, but it's combined with all the other years of cube memories
  14. Star Wars Clone Wars

    The GCI stuff's not looking good so far, so don't get your hopes up with the actual series.
  15. Wii Release List

    28/8 Soul Calibur: Legends (Maybe mean 29th?) 29/8 Sam & Max Both from Nintendo Europe site.
  16. Star Wars Clone Wars

    Well so long as this gets decent reviews I'll get it. I'm not sure whether to get the Wii or 360 Force Unleashed though..
  17. Should Scotland separate from the United Kingdom?

    I think a seperation's a stupid idea. You need a certain amount of both independance and togetherness. And although I believe this country needs more independance (kind of like like US states; and to split from the EU - controlling bastards), splitting isn't the answer; especially since our armed forces are one (Plus the U?K? flag would be far too white:heh:).
  18. Star Wars Clone Wars

    It is Lightsaber Duels Apparently there are only going to be 10 characters, which is pretty pathetic, and Wookiepedia suggests these to be the 10:
  19. People Who Need To Be Punched In The Face

    I agree. Sometimes he does get carried away, but I think most people he does it to deserve it....and then more and more until they die a horrible death. She got enough from apparent and unfair "rascism" accusations, which the public swallowed like the idiots they are Definately; they should be forced to lick cunt as punishment or something; I was going to suggest something up the arse, but y'know... Most kids born after 1992/3 you mean She just needs to grow a backbone and kick Brown out Mine:
  20. Legalising Weed In The UK

    I don't think it's a good idea, unless it's for some sort of medical reason. I think Britain needs to grow up before it's given any privilages. Look at all the problems we have with alcohol abuse, many European countries have a drinking age of 16 or such, yet they have NO problems. Once the Govt. sorts out bad parents and morons being morons, only then should things such as weed legalisation and age restriction relaxation be even considered. Edit: I believe the age of sexual consent and drinking should be lowered by the way. And also that smokers should stop being hounded. (I don't smoke, barely drink, and don't wish to do a 15 year old or anything by the way) But problems should be sorted out before you go messing around with things, something the Govt. doesn't seem to realise when it comes to immigration (reduce it so we can sort our money/land/food/fuel problems out) and increasing drinking taxes (therefore punishing sensible drinkers aswell) What we need is harsher punishments for law breakers, not punishing everyone in order to try and reduce crime. I don't know too much about weed to have an educated enough opinion, though I do understand that it can be rather helpful to people with certain conditions.
  21. Wii MotionPlus- 1:1 add on

    Yet there's only one game announced to use it....
  22. Israel and the Palestinians

    You already have offended me. I'd explain, but seeing as though most of society doesn't get the differences & links between race, culture, beliefs, religion etc etc, no-one here would. I say the way forward is to let them get on with it. The British Govt. is probably helping fund the chaos though...Like in a few African countries; it's disgusting. Can't wait for human extinction.
  23. Eurovision

    YAWNTASTIC!!! ....Why do we take part again?
  24. Resident Evil 5

    Yeah....But RE4 wasn't survival horror, or puzzle game... But it's nothing like the other Resident Evils whatsoever, appart from the aiming and running, that's it. You'd still have the same viewpoint, and wouldn't want you to run'n'gun.....isn't that a bit 90's?? If it's not going to be anything like the other RE games, they could at least make it either feel more Resident Evil, or go more towards 3rd person shooter, it feels way too lost in the middle.
  25. Probably not...I don't really like them. Seem well up themselves.