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Kurtle Squad

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Everything posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. Forum User Photos

    Mind "filling me in"?
  2. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    I agree; I've always found the idea of a handheld Smsh Bros a bit silly without the handheld version being completely different; or at least quite a bit different. Maybe a handheld version should be a bit more Jump Superstars-esque.
  3. The Future of MotionPlus

    I'd say I have to agree with Fierce's suggestion; the bundling of a Wiimote+ (+Nunchuck) with the console at least. The average consumer may be confused if there's no Wiimote included aswell: it makes the suggestion that Wiimotes are the historic form of play, rather than still a current form. It also makes things simpler for those who never picked up a Wii: a full back library of Wii games available with the controllers required to play almost all of them straight out of the box.
  4. What Have You Bought?

    They're also special editions, which are often hard to get if you don't pre-order them. Pre-ordering from online retailers also means you can often get the game a day early!!!
  5. Well I wasn't trying to tar every town/city with the same brush, there are obviously many factors; but from personal experience around my area (in which I've lived all my life) it seems to be the case of chav (or similar) filled towns; though now you've pointed it out I can see a degree of your version of things as well. Have you gone Super Saiyan into Mace Windu? I was happier as a child; or doesn't that count?
  6. Haha! I wasn't suggesting you were; I was merely pointing out that the further south in the Kingdom of East Saxons one goes, the higher the chav rate. (It also depends on how urban areas are of course.) Colchester is almost as north from Chelmsford as it is east.
  7. My mum's not "from" Colchester I'm aware schlaaaags are more plentiful daan saaff; unfortunately I have a negative disposition concerning chavs and such, and I doubt they'd take to me.
  8. Starfox 64 3D

    I'm assuming this is multi-cart multiplayer...?
  9. PlayStation Vita Console Discussion

    It's pretty odd that Sony has gone with region free goodness not long after Nintendo abandoned it.
  10. I'd regret buying an iPad; let alone losing a kidney aswell.
  11. No Confidence

    I'm aware of training and equipment, though they don't count; the Govt. (& nation?) is getting something out of that. I will admit I left out accomodation, which comes to little. The cost of keeping a prisoner isn't £45,000, that's just what's spent, there's a difference
  12. Super Mario 3D Land

    This is how I've often thought a DS Mario should be; I can't wait to see more of it.
  13. Mario Kart 7

    I thought MK Wii was a bit crap so I'm afraid I've been pretty much ignoring this; and I don't usually use the g-word, but the gliding stuff just seems gimmicky.
  14. Pikmin 3 Set For Wii U

    I'd suggest getting the first one first; it's shorter, but "tighter" and you'll most likely be able to appreciate them both more if played in order; the first is also cheaper. Some people have a problem with the time limit of 30 "days", I can't say it ever bothered me, and it added something to the game, Pikmin 2 felt a bit loose and more random (still great though).
  15. Forum User Photos

    Due to my ugliness, I'm afraid I have "cameraphobia".
  16. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Indeed. The only improvement made to Jigglypuff was that it was harder to commit suicide with Rollout. Sing was just as useless as before, and Rest also became a death sentence. Pound seemed to be off too, though I think that's because of the games stiffer physics (which also make Rest strange to try and hit with). I have to say that I enjoyed Toon Link; though cloney, he was a nice upgrade from Young Link. I don't think Ganondorf's moveset will change much now.
  17. Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    I never got into City Folk; it was the same as the original, with a "city". I'll probably never buy an Animal Crossing again, unless it's ever massively enhanced. How come the characters have "more" body this time?
  18. Magicka

    Ta for the heads up.
  19. Marriage problems?

    Talk Don't accuse
  20. Username

    Well hello; after quite a few years I'm back, and probably more mellow than before. Anyway... I've been thinking of aligning all my game related accounts by using the same name as my Gamertag: Kurtle Squad; which doesn't really make sence (as I'm one guy), but I've grown fond of it and haven't come up with anything I prefer.* However, since some things don't allow spaces, I was wondering whether it would be best to have a hyphen or underscore in such cases, and what the advantages of each would be (especially technical ones concerning Google searches etc). Or if you're good at coming up with names... *I would prefer just Kurtle, but it's used by others aswell and I'd rather not get confused with them etc.
  21. It costs me £25 to get to London and back. I had been thinking about giving reviews ago; if i was more experienced and London was a bit closer I'd have considered it.
  22. Username

    So should I go with hyphens, underscores or join the words together?
  23. Username

    Rather than start a new thread, can an admin change my username to: Kurtle Squad while this thread's still active please.
  24. NSMB Mii (working title)

    Part of NSMBWii's problem was that the 4P seemed sort of tacked on; it also worked best with 2-3 players, not 4.