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Kurtle Squad

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Posts posted by Kurtle Squad

  1. Kurtle Squad - I've not seen many posts by you on these forums that serve to paint you in any light other than "ignorant idiot."


    You just seem to be missing a basic ability to understand what other people are actually saying, and are quick to tar any communication with whatever you have pre-decided is their 'point', aligning seemingly the entire world to somehow cause/effect your own little trail. You're quick to blame others and quick to assume, seemingly especially when you have already admitted to having no knowledge or understanding or empathy at all on the subject at hand.


    You can't go from posting "woe is me, nobody loves me" to "stfu you female! I hate you!" ...


    It's just hugely offensive to the human race. It's offensive to this forum community that we have someone in our midst who is unable to unshackle their blinkers and actually hold a two-way conversation.


    You've genuinely put me off reading threads.


    Nice straw-manning there. I'll be sure to keep it in mind that you're an absolute tit.

  2. Next Target : Daily Mail.


    Unfortunatly, a lot of the (real) news wouldn't get reported if the DM didn't report it.

    The DM's worse crime is the're very OTT, and very often inaccurate, as well as their "Wont somebody please think of the childeren" attitude.

    The latter grates me the most.



    I've very worried about the future of journalism; it's bad enough as it is.

  3. United States 5.0 murders per 100,000 people in 2009

    United Kingdom 1.28 murders per 100,000 people in 2009


    Why are we still arguing about this?




    Because statistics are easily twisted and often nonsense.


    For one, homicide includes the killing of a human by another under any circumstances. This would include self-defense, which is what would happen when one has a gun; among other things.


    It takes no account of cultural differences.


    If you take away legal guns, only the bad-guys have guns.


    No that's just to do with language differences and money issues and whatnot.


    Well I did know that. I just don't understand the whole youth-politics group thing. It just seems wrong and exacerbatory to divisions to me, especially conserning people under 18-21.

  4. Political parties have youth divisions here too. Seems pretty normal to me. It's to get the youth more involved in politics. There's no brainwashing or anything, it's just youth participating, doing something good for their community through the party.


    Is that why Belgium is at each others throats?:hmm:

  5. Kurtle, stop being right wing, and you'd definitely be more likely to pull girls.


    I'm not after loose far-left weirdos.

    And I'm not right wing; I'm a metronome.

    I'm just more vocally anti-far-left/anti-hypocrisy. Anti-right sentiment is overdone as it is, and for some reason, far-left seems to be more socially acceptable.



    All parties have a youth division. And it's not like they were forced into spesific parties at birth. At one point they chose, be it at 16, 24 or 38 years old. They're not sheep factories, more like a stepping stone for a career in politics. Everyone on the island were already members(I assume, but I would be surprised otherwise) and believed in the party's visions, it's not an recruitment camp and is not the purpose of the youth divions. You sign up if you want to.


    Okay. Then please tell the media to stop refering to members as childeren.



    Lol at your no citations remark. Weren't you funny with quotes a few posts up?


    No - I was being pedantic.

  6. It sounds like it might be worth paying an extra £100 to get a new 360 slim with a proper sized hard-drive rather than paying Microsoft to send you a new 360 fat-loud-n-less-dependable.

  7. I won't go into the gun debate (not even sure where I stand on that myself), but I really hate it when people start making the youth camp out to be something bad. Glenn Beck even compared it to Hitler-Jugend, which isn't just completely and wholly inaccurate, but fucking disgusting as well. Youth parties, which are common in Scandinavia, are a great way for young people to get into politics and learn about democracy, and many of them have summer camps. Some people make it out to seem like the youngsters are being brainwashed or something, which is quite frankly ridiculous.


    Then why is it specifically a Labour Youth camp?

    I don't get how the reinforcement of one way of thinking helps expand the thinking of anyone.

    Seems dodgy to me.



    Sure, I can, too, but he's saying it with about as much delicacy as a brick to the face. None of the political parties in the Scandinavian countries have had the audacity to attempt to turn this tragedy into a political debate - because they respect those who have been affected by it too much.


    They haven't tried making a debate; there have been a few underhanded comments though*.



    *No citations; sorry.

  8. Well, the whole point we were trying to make is that being negative and cynical doesn't give off the best impression, especially not to the ladies.


    Well I'm not generally, with anyone - unless I'm feeling really down or annoyed.

    I don't know a time when I'm overly negative or cynical in everyday outside life anyway. And I don't get much of a chance to give that impression to women, and certainly not to those who haven't had a small human destroy their vagina.

  9. Kurtle reminds me of DemoniusX; a complete misogynist until a girl actually actually agrees to go out on a date with him, at which point he becomes the most saccharine care bear ever.


    You've missed the mark by quite a way this time; less so with the latter part.



    Starting to wonder when we'll be seeing traits of monkey in kurtle.


    Well, forward facing eyes are one thing; as well as colour vision etc etc...



    I don't believe there's anyone perfect for anyone. It's all in people's heads. We're indoctrinated at childhood to believe we are all to fall in love, to find someone to spend our lives with, but it's not natural at all. It's all a myth.


    I was never indoctrinated with this!

    Maybe if I wore such rose-tinted glasses people wouldn't think of me as as much of a cunt.



    It feels like you're still missing the point somewhat.


    I am...?

  10. say what you want, I'm not really that bothered, just giving you some sensible advice that I'm sure quite a few people agree with. No one will be attracted to someone that's always miserable and down on themselves. And being in a relationship is not the only fulfilling thing one can do with their life. You need to find happiness before love will find you.


    Seems a bit Catch-22. I don't find anything overly fulfilling, or fulfilling whatsoever.

    I read and play games while waiting to grow old and die, or just for other things to happen I have no control over, and while working I'm just waiting until I can go home to read and play games. Yay!

  11. They should put in Andy Choudary, Ann Widdecombe, George Galloway (again), Diane Abbott and Shahid Malik.


    It would be amazing - we could laugh at some proper freaks - freaks who have power.
