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Posts posted by Triple_C

  1. I'm caught between that and the 8gb V+.


    I'm leaning toward the one you've linked too as it is only 30 quid for a 8gig sdhc card, so that is 16gigs for 140 quid, that blows the iPod right out of the water.


    EDIT: It say here:


    Available in 4gb, 8gb and 16gb?


    The 16gig came out yesterday... for £190! I thought it would be good value as the 8gig was only £115. Damn. In america it is only £125. I was really looking forward to this.

  2. Can't believe nobody mentioned the Arctic Monkeys to be contestors for the title. Sure, they are nowhere near as artistic as Radiohead (and probably hated just for being popular), but their powerful catchy tunes make them one of my favourite British listens.


    I have to agree, the Arctic Monkeys are just... awesome.


    The View and also great. Some others:

    The Enemy

    The Fratellis

    The Rumble Strips



    The Good, The Bad and The Queen (You can tell I'm a Damon Albarn fan...)


    Also, does anyone remember Sandi Thom? I'm glad she's been forgotten about... (I think)


    I'm caught between that and the 8gb V+.


    I'm leaning toward the one you've linked too as it is only 30 quid for a 8gig sdhc card, so that is 16gigs for 140 quid, that blows the iPod right out of the water.


    EDIT: It say here:


    Available in 4gb, 8gb and 16gb?

  4. My day just got worse. Not only have I endured having to take pitures with a manual camera, I now have to take up 100 more digital ones. I've managed 57.

    I can't take it anymore, no way after a night of circles am I going to last a years worth...


    Not good, then?

  5. I've always found motorola's phones to be a complete chore.


    Samsung are a little easier to use, though lacking in customisation.


    The Samsung is better on paper, probably real life too.


    Though if there is a nokia on that deal, go for it. (ease of use)

  6. A quck summary of what I'm listening to at the moment:


    The Editors - An End Has A Start

    Good first five songs, second five are a bit... meh.


    Babyshambles - Shotter's Nation

    Some good stuff on it. Much better than Babyshambles' debut (steaming pile of crap) but not at all comparable to any Libetines stuff.


    Soundtrack to Garden State

    Zach Braff has great taste in music, and I'm really liking the Shins because of him.


    Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

    Very good, perhaps not as great as their debut, but still some solid music in there.

  7. I guess that's a good idea, but get the bare minimum in your contract. Cheapest I've seen with a 100 quid phone was around 15 quid, so 15*12=180.

    You say you top-up every three months or something? Assuming it is a tenner then 10*4=40 + 100= 140 quid. My calculations are based on assumption, so they may not be correct for you.

    These alll include phones

    Minmum on vodafone is 20 quid a month

    Minimum on o2 (samsung d900 exactly 100 quid phone) is 20 quid

    Minimum on T-mobile (this has very good phones in it) is 15 a month. (http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/shop/mobile-phones/price-plans/pay-monthly/flext/18mth-flext-20-5-off-line-rental/)


    I recommend t-mobile, if you want a contract.

  8. 1: I was being nice, and welcoming her


    2: Whats Harribo got to do with this thread?


    3: Stop being such an ignorant know it all, I don't like your attitude considering this thread has been just full of mis-understanding and mis-interpretation, Was all that really nessesary, apart from the welcome?


    4: Who are you and what on earth have I done to deserve such Demeaning comments?


    1: You are always arguing with harribo (it may be someone else)


    2: Harribo is the person you are always arguing with


    3: It's just an observation. You do always argue with haribo, right?


    4: You always argue with harribo, that's why.


    Sorry again, for ruining your thread Maase.

  9. Jesus Christ, Dynastygal's post and threads (bar one, which was a complete mistake that all new members make) mean alot more than half the threads all these 'old' members make.


    What the hell has gotten into everyone?

    It's like having hundreds of little harribos and ant-shimmins, running around insulting each other.


    EDIT: sorry, maase, I forgot to welcome you, how rude.


    Welcome Maase

  10. I've not been up to date with mobiles for a long time so can somebody tell me the best pay as you go phone for under £100?


    If you want a fashionable but still useable mobile then the LG chocolate is for you. (only if you're a girl, otherwise you'll look a complete pansy)


    If you want a functional phone which looks okay then you should get Sony Ericsson W810i, it is the upgrade of my phone which does away with the fiddly controls. (100 quid o2 with 10 quid call time at carphone warehouse) Has an alright (2meg) camera. If you buy a big memory stick upto 8gb. (they carry a fairly heavy price tag, but memory crds just get cheaper) It can be better than your average flash based mp3 player.


    If you like nokia ease of use then Nokia 5300 is recomended, not great as a music player as it uses microSD which only goes upto 2gb. (not to be confused with microsdhc)


    Sorry if you are a guy,an 'a' at the end of names/usernames sound girly to me.


    EDIT: I just saw a pro duo for 70 quidsicles:


  11. Well, at your current rate you should be there in 10 days...Even if you half your daily posts then you'll still be an afficionado in 18 day. You should definately make it within the month. If you don't, I will be very disappointed.


    And everything you post isn't a pile of steaming shite. (Like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

  12. Yeah, the second one. I hope it works out for ya.


    EDIT: For me the picture quality isn't great, but then again, its a bad quality screen to begin with, and then you double it in size. Not the nicest thing to look at.
