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Posts posted by Triple_C

  1. O.k, I no im gonna get abused for this thread, but do anyone else here think the Cube has a been a big letdown? compared to the N64? N64 had so many good games, Mario Kart, Zelda OOT and Majoras Mask, Lylat Wars, Donkey Kong, 007, The could go on, but on the Cube, we aint has half as many good games, and also games like Star fox Assualt have been a letdown?, hope the Revoltion brings alot more good games to the Table.

    Ofcourse not, this console has brought me hours of fun with Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros. (especially great) animal crossing, wind waker (and the bonus disc that came with it) and Sonic adventure 2 battle.

  2. I like the cutsie thing nintendo does, It makes the games alot less more dull and more inviting, I say they should leave games like that to 2nd and 3rd parties. (except for Zelda and metroid)

    Some of the best things in their games is the minigames(not saying the actual games are bad), like, how many sony, microsoft or 3rd party games have great minigames?

  3. Some of my friends own PS2's and will never play my Cube, they think it's crap. But they are morons that can barely read, where as my other friends Peter and Robert think the cube is class and ds is way better than the psp. (guess what. they can read and know how to play football)


    PS: The others can't play football. I mean like who can't?
