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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. Stars catalogue updated!

    100 Limited Edition Mario Controllers... how much did they cost? I'm guessing between 4500-10000 stars?
  2. Titles you'd like to see on Revolution

    spiderman :P seriously, I was looking at ultimate spiderman review, just thinking about buying it (still undecided, so saying no atm) but I thought, duel wield rev. controller would be pretty awesome for spider man, just point the controller, press A, fire webby. but yeah, haven't thought the idea through, just think it could potentially be quite fun, actually travelling like spider man :P prolly would look pretty dumb though!
  3. How much would you pay

    maybe there should be a "I won't be buying next gen software" option?
  4. Revolution launched in spring

    I expect late spring tbh. May is probably a good time, as in low demand, where as at launch there's huge demand. so the launch would counter the low demand, = resonable demand. really they don't want to fail to meet demand with a next gen console out already (unless the 360 flops big time) because obv. ppl go with cash to buy a next gen console, if its not available they're likely to buy a rival console.
  5. New hints at Revolution graphics?

    2 times isn't bad either. also, when was the cube released? 2001 wasn't it? every 2 years power doubles, basically. so, 2003 revolution would be double, 2005 it could be four times, 2007 it would be 8 times as good. at the very very least I expect the graphics to be twice as good, ie even looking in say a monkey ball game not seeing the polygons etc. but then that relies on enough poly's being used. unless(until?) gaming expands by a factor of 2/4 this coming generation there's little point in the next next gen.
  6. Infected Needles found in Public Locations

    well, if you're gonna catch aids I guess present day is the best time to catch it, from the view point that it has improved by becoming less deadly. although obviously still being deadly means its not good but meh. perhaps walking round in suits of sheet metal armour would be the way forward?
  7. Infected Needles found in Public Locations

    knowing the type of people working in the council, here is how such a meeting would occur. *manager* "hmm whats this, an email, oooh looks official, hmm, it says its from the NHS it must be true. lets not take time to question the source, or do basic research into this, such as contacting the NHS trust involved, checking the internet etc, lets just assume that as its an email its 100% true, because the magic pixie that scans all my email wouldn't let false emails in."
  8. Cleric brands Harry Potter 'gay'

    I wouldn't say I hate the people, but the attitude of Christians who obviously aren't Christians, thats what gets me. by that I mean "Christians" who use the tag, act in the way they believe a christian ought to act in, and say all the right things. seems to me that the vast majority of Christians aren't Christians, they just think it sounds good to say they are Christians, for a variety of reasons. but then it is the fake Christians who tend to be more vocal... and that bet you made, I'm willing to bet twice as much that he wouldn't.
  9. How is nintendo doing?

    it might be a technical thing... like a page they check periodically that tells them what the site is like. like at E3 when they have a heavier load would be interesting to check that page, see if perhaps its a bit less laid back. or it could just be a joke page. who knows. perhaps just a mixture of the two.
  10. "Press UP, X or Y to jump"

    I probably use y most conciously, followed by x, and very occassionally up, generally by mistake and as a reaction to something unexpected.
  11. New Fire Flower

    I just got the paper revolution controller, pretty impressed tbh, by the size that is. when I first looked at it I expected it to be about 20% bigger, but its just the right size. that HUGE gap between the d pad and the home button isn't so huge after all. in fact, even the b button is in reach. feels comfortable in both hands as well. using it "nes style, I can easily see myself using the A and B buttons as well as the d pad and a and b buttons, and the select, home and start buttons are all accessible too. I imagine that by release the controller will be contoured that much better, hopefully it will be fairly light. as for the final revolution, we don't know what hardware will be like, we don't know what special little work relieving algorithms will be in there, so we don't know how it will compare in anyway to even the XBOX360, yet alone the PS3 (which afaik we good as know nothing about, as it could all change by next E3). also, looking at the cube, I'm more than content with the graphics it is capable of, and looking at how technology increases I imagine I'll be wowed by the graphics the revolution will produce.
  12. Next-Gen controllers - Any of them fail safe?

    pretty much. it would have to be prety impressive though, to get enough power. also, they could have a small recharge port on controllers - on the attachment port bit. although that would kill wireless ness. would be good if the battery had a 10 minute low batter warning, so it would flash up "low battery" on your screen, and say games wouldn't let you start a new game with a low battery etc. so you have to charge your battery/swap battery. I think nintendo are working at getting as large a battery life as possible though, the wavebirds 100 hours seemed about right
  13. MP3 better than Metroid Prime?

    I think with hunters nintendo are moving metroid to a fps, probably as a spin off. but possibly altogether. mario, obviously there are plenty of franchises that could be multiplayer (kart, football, tennis party etc). f-zero multiplayer - now THAT I'm really looking forward to, especially if they get 30 vehicles over a wan. Zelda, I think they could make that multiplayer. ish. Pokemon - definetly, this franchise screams MMORPG, if done right they could kill thousands of poor kids (social life wise). Nintendo can definitely make wifi connection a AAA service.
  14. Next-Gen controllers - Any of them fail safe?

    I remember my wavebird died while playing warioware against 2 mates. in that particular instance it actually enhanced the game, but the only other time it failed was in metroid, and that did not enhance the game. what would be cool would be if the controller got power from the movement of the controller, so it would never run out of battery. kinda like that torch that you shake to power.
  15. Revolutions Name

    revolution is ok... but I still want it changed. N5 sounds a bit dull, if they release an "N5" I hope the release a "PN5-SC500" etc.
  16. How many downloaded games?

    they could possibly stream games while you play, to take mario bros as an example (which would load in a few seconds probably anyway but thats not my point) while you're playing level 1-1 it d/l's world 2 and 4, while you play world 1-2 it finished d/l world 2 and 4 d/l's and starts on world 5. complicated, and probably too complicated for the games that would actually need it (N64) but possible. but yeah I'm not going to fight this one too hard, I imagine a more workable solution of having the games stored on your PC/different cards would be more likely. it would still be nice to have the game stored online though, so if your HDD got corrupt/card went missing you had a permanent(ish) backup online
  17. Revolution hardware - the real revolution

    Hey Xino, here's something a random person once said that I think applies to you: lol. but seriously, this kinda "humour" has been done to death, the whole parody/irony slant. and to all his sidekicks, just ignore him, do you seriously think he's being serious? :lmao:
  18. How many downloaded games?

    thats assuming the roms would all be stored on the flash memory. it may be that they can be stored online, and only get downloaded when you want to use them. they stay on your card, until(if ever) they are over written. bear in mind that its possible that the flash memory will be used in a similar way to the xbox's HDD (ie as virtual memory)
  19. Revolution hardware - the real revolution

    I don't know, lots of people I guess?
  20. Physics Processor - a technical question

    basically the PPU chip would have operations built into it that are solely related to physics calculations. its a bit like saying GPU's could just be done by CPU's, now there are more complex operations, so there's a whole chip dedicated to doing graphics. although this is as plausible as an AI processor.
  21. Revolution hardware - the real revolution

    Nintendo Blue? Blue? 1) I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo had yet to decide 100% on the final name. 2) "Nintendo are releasing the Blue in Red, green, silver, white and black" yes that works. a black blue, or a white blue. perhaps in the future they will release a blue blue? 3)I'm a relative of Iwata's, and I don't think the revolutions final name will be "blue"
  22. Demos

    the revolution has USB ports at the moment. I'm sure (official or not) new storage solutions will become available soon enough.
  23. IGN has gone Krazy

    people saying they don't see why there's a point in getting a gun attachment - its to break down a barrier to believing the game is real. the gun is more a shell than an attachment. I'd say a shell is an attachment that houses the free hand controller, a regular attachment doesn't house the freehand controller. so yeah, shotgun shell I'd call it. and I think shells are a cool idea, I imagine they'd be cheap, and you'll get a fair few 3rd party shells, which will be nice (hopefully).
  24. Replier Impotance!

    perhaps an abort reply button could be introduced, then people could click that rather than the back button, then mods could see what types of threads provoke the most aborts :P or not : / anyway, would it not be more productive creating productive discussions, rather than removing "destructive" threads? I think the main problem is a poor balance of opinion/chat topics, low diversity means that you go over the same thing over and over.
  25. Replier Impotance!

    pretty much. I also find sometimes I want to type about something, more than actually reply and take part in a wider discussion. so I just type it out, and instead clicking reply stop and think "will anyone want to reading this?" and "would I be interested in anyone else's views/replies on what I have typed?" if the answer to both those questions is no I 99 times out of a hundred just click the back button. sometimes its easier to click reply though.