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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??

    The biggest problem is that wee means urine over here in England. I guess that NoA assumed uk slang = US slang, so didn't properly research the name. Or perhaps they misjudged how common and well known it was as a slang term. the name works well for mainland europe, I don't see a reason why US ppl would care about it.. is wee used as slang in Australia/Canada? I'll assume it isn't. anyway, to be fair, wee is a bit random.. and if I said " we went to the park" people don't go and laugh "hehe, he said "wee" so it MAY be ok, really it is just the less mature who'll be affected by it, so those under 18 mainly, obviously with the occassional insecure person who is older but still objects to the name. I don't like the name, but seeing as the average age on this forum is probably around 14-15 (at a guess) there'll be more of a negative response. time will tell I guess
  2. What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??

    GC2/N5/other generic idea for a codename - revo - wii - something else. its possible, infact, quite possible looking at the wealth of positive reactions here. they may have released this to see peoples reactions. maybe tomorrow they're rename the revolution to something else. 13 days till Nintendo's conference
  3. What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??

    W = VV VV= X therefore W = X therefore WII = XII Nintendo XII seems better. also, wouldn't germans pronounce this "ve"?
  4. What The Hell?? Nintendo Wii!!??

    um... wii I don't like. the logo I don't like. the video, I do like. but yeah. I think the name sucks. to be fair though, I struggle to think of an appropriate name. in french I guess it will sound a bit like "yes" in english english (not sure about american/australian/canadian etc)it sounds a bit unfortunate :/ what about other languages? I think I might want to hear it pronounced before I finally judge the name though
  5. Back, Crack and Sack.

    waxing doesn't hurt too much, shaving/plucking either. there's some evil contraption I have come across, its basically like a lawnmower for hair. that hurts. personally I don't bother with hair only I'll see, if I was in a relationship would alter my hair management if requested to, but I don't see the point otherwise, well, perhaps vanity and a wasted attempt at conforming to some perceived perfect body image, thought up by some loser somwhere
  6. IGN Revo's latest podcast

    psp isn't even in the same power category as the GC though, so no its not really ironic - unless I'm either misunderstanding what you're saying or have completely missed some information...
  7. I saw an advert for Pogs today

    I didn't have a pog making machine, but with cardboard, paper, pencils and scissors, I recall I made scarily good pogs. I made 6 Mario ones which were awesome, sadly I played with a complete prick who said "if I win them I'll swap them back with you" ****. he won them all I think, and changed his mind. I got him back 2 years later though, everyone in the school ended up hating him and in secondary school a similar thing ended up happening. I think I may have saved my mario pog... might have a look up in the loft and check later on
  8. Videogames Make Kids Violent!

    I don't think they make people more violent, bad parenting allows it to make them violent (and there's plenty of that going round... but thats off topic) anyway, I do think that violent games do desensitize people to violence - it becomes something more acceptable to see. Personally I'm a pretty non violent person, I don't like violence really at all. give me violence in a video game and I still don't like violence, but seeing it doesn't affect me as much. after a while of seeing violence it will stop affecting me. my dislike of violence becomes more academic than.. a strong conviction. I'm not saying its a quick thing - it is a slow thing. and I actually don't think its a bad thing, I think its a good thing to be exposed to a certain amount of violence, proportional to the environment. But I think its bad to be exposed to too much. people don't like to be told they are easily influenced, they will reject the notion as nonsense, and claim they haven't been affected. thing is, they have been affected, just it was so gradual they never noticed it. and this is totally natural - its an adaption tool. If we are exposed to lots of violence, then we need to be desensitised to it in order to react appropriately. otherwise we would have a sensationalist reaction to it "oh no its so awful, how could this happen, its the worst thing ever, why did this happen, the world is ending" by which time the initial trigger will likely have caught us up, ie we end up maimed/injured/dead. whereas with adaption we become desensitised and we escape (or make a good effort) at escaping the source of violence. my view. cutting this short cos I'm going out now, so in summary, yes they can make people violent.
  9. Lucas Arts.

    a dance mat perhaps? An analogue dance mat perhaps...
  10. Worth the $$$?

    how much is the PS2? I don't think I'd get an xbox, ps2 or GC for more than £10-20 now, tbh, because the next gen offerings are either here, or very close.
  11. NVIS visor - is this real?

    well you confirmed my PC statement, and too much money is opinion, which I can change to suit my needs I will trust your assertion that you don't have too much money though as it doesn't on its own stand against my statement, because I didn't say it would be exclusive to PC gamers with too much money, just that it would be most commonly found in that demographic
  12. It's the 20th

    20th already? I wonder how the pumpkin plant fared the frost last night.
  13. NVIS visor - is this real?

    visor gaming will happen, it just won't be mainstream this generation. whether it will be supported by any/all the big 3 console manufacturers who knows - I think it will - but whether it will be used by more than 2 games... I doubt it. visors will be more of a PC thing for PC gamers who have waaaay too much money. I imagine it will be semi supported next gen, and the gen after that it may become standard. that is being optimistic for visor support, pessimistic will be that being so niche it will be highly unprofitable, and as a result it will die off, OR it will be surpassed by a superior technology before it is able to become refined enough to become mainstream. I prefer the pessimistic superior technology route.
  14. Woman dead in apartment for 2 years

    point. on how this happened, its easy enough. if I for example, were to move say up North and changed my phone number then I could cut off all my friends and family.
  15. The E3 Probability Game

    High revolution WIFI accounts can be viewed and managed online at a PC through Nintendos website
  16. New images of rev controller

    also... I can't see the pictures so I can't comment on them directly, has the analogue attachment altered drastically?
  17. New images of rev controller

    maybe some people will use the index finger for both, but I can hold my GC pad in my left hand (with my middle finger lifted so providing no support) in the way I described. the pressure on the shoulder pad and analogue stick don't fully support it, but they do help. you also have the entirety of your hand. as I said, maybe I am unique, but if I'm able to hold my GC pad like this I imagine it will be that much easier with just the analogue attachment. I may be unique in that, but tbh I don't care - it would just be an advantage in games were quick alternate pressing of the shoulder pads was required just to clarify, the grip from the pinky and middle finger if too tight would force the controller up toward the thumb over the analogue stick, and forward toward the middle and index fingers on the shoulder pads. the fingers on the shoulder pads and analogue stick act like a feedback, too much pressure against them warns to relax the grip a little bit. wrapping the fingers on the shoulder pads gently prevents the controller falling towards the right, obviously the body of the hand prevents it from falling to the left, and thepinky and ring finger prevent gravity from making the controller fall down. the ring finger is the main finger support wise, but the pinky does help with added stability
  18. New images of rev controller

    thumb analogue stick index finger Shoulder 1 middle finger Shoulder 2 ring finger support pinky support. works. you have to bear in mind that the first segment of your index and middle fingers can be used to grasp the controller, the base of the thumb can also provide support. with the addition of the ring and little finger to support it will be easy enough. maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it, judging by the GC pad. Having said that I would have expected to like the feel of the x360 pad in my hand more than the s-pad for the xbox, and I was wrong on that
  19. After the first shots... How do you feel?

    right.. on the dpad thing, part of the game involves halting an attack that would otherwise have shed blood. now I don't know exactly how the game plays, but I imagine that being alot trickier with a traditional controller. The AI sounds interesting too.
  20. very true - this game seems more of an action game, the fact you are encouraged to spare the lives of the bosses and encourage accuracy and a focus on honour indicates this won't be a blood thirsty game. a focus on blood would be more fitting of a unrefined go crazy wave the controller randomly hope for the best, spray the baddies with bullets using uzi's, gritty type of game. In short the revs version of a thoughtless button masher.
  21. to be honest, if they put in copious amounts of blood I'd just feel sick. removing the blood santises the game - I don't know about you but I wouldn't enjoy watching a person realistically bleed - its not something that turns me on, you know? now perhaps if I got emotionally involved in this game, and they made me mega angry at a character, then maybe I'd be different, but I can't say I've been drawn into a video game that much. I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy a game just because there is blood in it, but nor would I enjoy it any more if there was. Having said that I didn't get Killer7 because of the blood.
  22. New images of rev controller

    *wishes that sitewasn't blocked from work*
  23. The E3 Probability Game

    medium Game Content varies according to parental settings - ie settings can tone down/boost language/violence etc.
  24. Is Marmite addictive?

    so craving it could be sign of vitamin deficiency
  25. Is Marmite addictive?

    hmm, I think there is somethign addictive in marmite. it may be that there is something in it that you lack in your diet? hence the craving..