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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. yay another one of emo's threads!

    haha u really took the "What should this thread be about" thread serious when u posted it :heh:


    hmm. well. paper clips, i agree on that, i also love pizza! and sorry to lower the tone people, but i think condoms would be up there somewhere lol. and of course teh fav, the internet :heh:


    ooo oooo thought of another one...them lil pen drives! they awesome! i gots 3 and couldnt do without em!

  2. Sorry bout your friend's friend Emo.

    I lost my dad to cancer five years ago.. it was a slap in the face for me, but it made me think differently about life in general.

    You HAVE to realy live your life to the fullest, it can be over in a snap.

    I have come to accept death, i don't fear it and i don't understand why people have trouble talking about it.

    Everyone you know and love will die some day, if you can't accept that now, then you're in trouble.


    If you don't like talking about death, just don't enter the thread and do not tell people to fuck themselves. Not a good way to earn respect.


    Damn right girl, the only thing you'll get is banned if you rude to the other members

  3. ... I think Moria and Wes pretty much summed up anything I could say.


    All I can add is; I do not accept your apology, but just to let you know that someone I knew not-very-well (friend of a friend) died in a car crash today. You are not the only person who has had to deal with death in your life. I don't know the circumstances behind your reaction (maybe it's my name? That does it for enough people), but I don't care.


    I don't know why i'm even saying this. You won't be reading my reply, and if you do then why have you returned to a thread that offends you?


    awwwss emo!!! im so sorry to hear that mate! *hugs*

  4. yeah get the bloody right cooling, dont end up like me, with a hole drilled in the side of your cpu :heh:


    i didnt think neon lights/see thru case affected performance, but i guess if you spending loads on neon lights, which could be put to a better system? thats all i can think of tbh.
