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Posts posted by Raining_again

  1. and u can get on web pages by the fact youve got on here, have u tried signing in with a different account if possible?


    ive had shitloads of problems with msn, vs7 is so buggy, i keep gettin port errors on the troubleshooter, when my internet is working! You maybe could update msn if u havent got the latest version, or maybe a reinstall would help?


    i know its all very vague but thats all i can think of

  2. dark basic? where wud i get that from?


    I havent programmed since last year, but apparently ive got an talent for it, i outsmarted our really stupid teacher a few times, but he was a nonce. Its hard to keep up with all the programming languages that are out there, and that really discouraged me :(

  3. its not like they are ...."ZOMG so planned they all out to get us oh noess!11!!!!!" they actually made quite a well thought out theory IMO, they gave plenty of reasoning and vids/reports etc. i dont know whether to believe it or not, i think i might sit on the fence....for now.

  4. thank god someone agrees with me! im sure when he was making these (slightly rash) decisions he had the best intentions for the country. im sure all he wanted them to have the oppurtunities that we all take for granted.


    we have so much that they dont and perhaps he was a little carried away with this. but one day i hope Iraq sees the benefit of all this.


    If i was iraqi, I know for a FACT i would die for my country, if i knew future generations would not have to feel the torture, pain and panic that they do now.

  5. In my school RE is gone. Now its called P&E (philosophy and ethics) for some reason. Oh, and yes, its compulsary. I'm not that lucky :heh:.


    wow lucky you :heh: the only thing i ever studied in RE was catholic and protestant religions. it was pretty damn closed minded but thats they way this country is. but made my exam damn easy all the same :D

  6. i know how to code sorta simple to moderate programs with v.b. the hardest ive gotten to is a visual hangman game which saves scores and randomly creates words. it pretty damn tough creating games from scratch!especially if you want awesome graphics :heh:
