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About limaCAT

  • Birthday 07/03/1976


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  • Favourite Game?
    the legend of zelda: link's awakening
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    3DS: 5370-0470-6007

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  1. I think it's more of a random N64 Midi versus random Snes midi thing. Anyway, the Lylat Wars english dub had very cool awkward "I would like to swear but this is a T-rated game" moments like "let's kick some tail", or my favourite: "doggoneit". (Also I loved hearing Pigma Dengar squeal...).
  2. You could choose Wubba Wubba mode in Lylat Wars too.
  3. After all these years I am still puzzled by the
  4. The lens of truth quest is the quest where you have to decide if an XBox360 has better graphics than a PS3?
  5. Incredible, I managed to get stuck at the same point where I got stuck the first time I played OOT, right at the beginning.
  6. Well, in the diary the deletion pop-up says "the datas in the Diary will not be deleted. If you use them again they will reappear in My Software too". Correct. In the long end the most used tools will be the on-board software, but the real datas are the median time and the total time used. (I am using the Italian version so they are not the exact terms). Oh well, I hope to find other fans of Nero and of Chris Huelsbeck
  7. Aren't those costumes from classic capcom games? At least, they give me that "already seen it somewhere" vibe...
  8. I say 30% is just the way it is supposed to be used for most of the people. The 3D effect comes from the two separate images, it's not like you get MORE 3D if you push it all the way (even if the depth field looks deeper)... Also Retro Link, if you play a mission correctly you should be aligned to the landing path / pad. Practice at lower level, usually you get the grip on speed and precision for landing there. (And there is no wind in this game unlike Pilotwings Snes, only maybe shifting pads in two jetpack missions)
  9. Got my first streetpass, which is wonderful given my commuting routine is usually lacking gaming nerds (more people here are addicted to cellphones). Also got an extra Dead or Alive fight other than the usual suspects. :3
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