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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. i personally dont think he controls our lives.

    That'd be the free will gifted to humans. I agree with that sentiment that God is less of a 'he' and more of an abstract concept. Something along the lines of God being a collection of all the forces in existence.

  2. In science last year we learned about people trying to find other life in the universe, and a group of people sent out signals into outerspace, but because of how sound travels in space its going to take a long time, and if something does hear and responds, it'll take equally as long for us to reach it. Im not sure exactly, but I think our teacher said we've been waiting for a return for the last 10 years or something.

    I saw this film called Contact once and that was about that kinda jargon. Wasn't bad, anyone else seen that?

  3. I'm pretty sure they exist.


    We live in an infinite universe, therefore there are an unfinite amount of possibilites they do exist.

    But if you follow that theory, there are also an infinite number of chances that we're totally alone, aren't there?

  4. Isn't Bush just the frontman really though, it's his mates in the administration that tell him what to do. They all answer to the big businesses, run by rich old people who couldn't care less about global cataclysm cause they'll be dead soon anyway. Sad really.
