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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. All the advice you're getting is good, stick with it. Especially the chocolate one, I thank you er-no for that one.

    Coping with exams depends what type of person you are, but relaxing and doing just enough work to keep the teachers off your back is a good bet I think.

    The exams really are not that incredibly difficult so long as you look at some past papers before hand and make sure you have a working knowledge of the things you need to know.

  2. I'm all for tea. However;

    One day a man named Chris set sail from Spain. He was going to a lovely place called Portugal, unfortunately he made landfall in a different place where none of the natives ever slept.

    They had a magic bean, which they called the fuckin' mad fer it bean. Chris snorted at this crap name and re-named it coffee.

    Chris and his friends then slaughtered the natives and took their bean back to spain where he and his friends lived happily ever after in a nightmare of coffee induced insomnia.


    And that is the reason coffee is better than tea.

  3. Yeah I just watched this too. Looks interesting to me. Didn't really get to see that much of the skeleton thing though, that woulda been too enlightening I suppose.

    I'm looking forward to the coming episodes. Need something to proxy Lost until it returns.

  4. Hi all, I've got a cartoon-related problem.

    I need to find out when Samurai Jack is on (if it's on) and what channel it airs on. This is so I can reference it in a media exam I'm doing tomorrow. Anyways, if somebody knows then I'd be dead grateful...


  5. Psychology must play a large part in this though right, I mean, can you be born gay? If so , then yeah BF's argument is pretty much true. If not though, people must be brought up to find attraction in other people.

  6. I first saw this set of adverts when they were all spaced out across the breaks and they really bugged me cause I never saw the end. But then I saw the full one and it does quite rock.

    I can't think of any adverts that I like, though that one where the Audi catches, kills and eats all the other cars like a spider is quite cool visually.

  7. I've been given the three most recent PoP titles for christmas and I'm nearing the end of Sands of Time. I really like this game, I've been very immersed in it for the last few days.

    However, I'm stuck on 'Climbing the Tower of Dawn'. I've gotta like, wall jump down this chimney and I simply cannot do it. Am I just crap at the technique or am I doing it wrong? Can anybody help me out, tips, pointers...Cause man, I will kill someone if I don't do this soon.

  8. I've noticed a few Kevin Spacey films, so I'll add K-Pax to the list.

    On top of that, I really liked The Matrix (numero uno), mostly for it's cool fight scenes but also for the sci-fi ideas. Event Horizon appalled me, but it's good. The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile are very good. I also loved the new War of the Worlds because of the social and psychological aspects of it, not for the sci-fi.

    I saw a movie a bit ago called Code 46 which sort of reminded me of Lost In Translation, except for the fact that I was deeply shaken by the former.

  9. Sarka, you're probably best going to your local guitar shop and having a chat with one of the sales reps. The responses you get from here will probably be very convoluted and it'll be so much easier just going down the shop.

  10. send them back home if they dont like it to be honest. I'm sorry but that's my opinion. If you're offended by the culture and religions here then go back to your own country or just respect other people's religions and shut the hell up.

    I'm offended by you. Explain to me how you think you can just deport people on a whim please.

  11. It depends what sorts of music you're into and are likely to play. If you want a big metally sound, go for something like an Ibanez - more pickups equals more POWER! (actual quote from a Dawson's employee). If not metal, then I'd reccomend a Squier Jazz or P-Bass for a beginner. The Jazz has quite a distinct sound, I like it for it's slap-bass qualities. While the P is less distinct, it has a a greater range of noises which it can produce.

    But the key thing to remember is; more pickups equals more POWER!

  12. she said he was fat and the police told her she couldn't say that or something silly like that and made her look silly

    Well that clears that up.

    I'll back Jack on this and say that most of it is probably scraped from the bottom of the bullshit barrel by papers like the Mail and the Sun.

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