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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. I don't think anyone is suggesting that immigrants should become fluent in English overnight. What's important is that they make a real effort to learn the language, and at least try to converse in basic English in shops, restaurants etc. I do when I'm abroad, so why can't immigrants to the UK? The same goes for integrating into British culture.

    Alright alright, but personally, I've never met a foreigner who couldn't speak English. Never.

  2. First: Lost Prophets at Manchester Uni. They were gay.


    In between (the few most awesome ones) Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, The Futureheads, The Hives, Gorillaz (all playing in one of the large Manchester venues)


    Last: Athlete at the Manchester Apollo.


    Next: The Strokes on Monday. I like them. A lot.

  3. i was deffending the "brittish" stigma of hating foreigners. there are more foreigner in brittain than in any other european country. yet we are the ones who are branded as hating foreigners. in italy you are hated if you come from the south and dare wonder into mid land territory.

    That's a good point actually. Though we hardly accept all the immigration without complaint do we?

    Back to the language thing, I don't think you can say that no one who comes to live here even bothers to learn the language. And what Athriller says is true, there are a lot of foreign professionals in this country, doctors and such, who we need to stay alive.

    Yeah what I said before about going to another country and not wanting to learn the language was a bit off the mark. What I meant was described better by Athriller about the difficulty of learning English. I mean, half the English speaking people on this forum can't spell that well. English must be rock 'ard to learn.

  4. I don't like multiculturalism. Multiculturalism destroys British heritage, culture and history. Multiculturalism makes Britain more politically correct, because people are afraid of offending other religons, races and cultures who live in this country.


    What I also hate is when the ethnics speak their own native language instead of English.. Excuse me, you are in ENGLAND now, SPEAK ENGLISH!


    When in Rome, do as the Romans.. I will always beleive in that sentence.

    1. What's your surname? It's probably not 'British'. If it is then I'm sorry, but practically no one in this entire country is (at the risk of sounding racist) pure-blood British.

    British culture is changing all the time, the reason we get all the freedoms, wealth and richness of mind that we do is because of all the immigration these islands have seen over the years.


    2. You hate it when 'ethnics' speak their own language in England? What if they don't speak English? Do you expect them to learn? Would you yourself learn to speak a new language if you went to a different country when you didn't need to?


    3. Don't be such a fucking ****.

  5. I really could do with more sleep. I can sleep when im dead though.

    Very well said.

    I'm with Eenuh. The sandman is no friend of mine.

    Isn't it all tied in to conscious/unconscious anxiety and stuff like that? Like, if you have a lot on you rmind, you're obviously not going to sleep very well. But even if you have nothing on the brain, your unconscious does...

  6. On another note my dads mate got into a heated discussion with an American lady in a bar that said she doesn't speak English she speaks American

    Well there are a great many words, phrases, clauses etc that Americans use and we don't. They spell stuff differently as well, like colour is color. And 'yeah' is an American word in the first place. Same with jail. How many times have you written jail and thought it was English?

    American is different to English.

  7. Thought I'd re-use this thread...

    Does anyone have a link to a place where I can find downloadable/viewable episodes of Samurai Jack. I have to do a textual analysis of an episode, count the instances of violence and describe them etc...

    Any help would be great.

  8. So anyway, the hat thing: this house was built on an old farm (I forgot the name) which employed lots of middle aged guys. The kind of hat was something I would expect a farmer or trucker to wear. more interestingly my Mother has heard off things and seen some weird things but never told anyone because she didn't want to scare anyone.

    You could look into census records and stuff, find out names and histories of the workers if you can. Did the guy appear old? If not why did he die? Loads of cool questions and investigations can be done.

  9. I've never believed in ghosts, or any other supernatural things. My view that it was just your mind playing tricks on you, as it goes against all scientifical evidence

    Really though, science cannot know everything. Our knowledge of the universe will continue to grow until the end of infinity, provided we survive that long. I don't think we can really say; "Science has proved utterly that ghosts do not exist. Fact." cause that is just narrow-minded and frankly stagnationist.

    Like I said before, we're always learning new things and ghosts could quite easily be real.

  10. I don't think his outfit should be changed, it is too much like the alternate-suit bad guys. He doesn't have a face (in Spiderman mode) so his suit is his only visual identity trait. Changing the suit would be like changing his face, hair, eye colour, skin colour. I don't think it'd be cool. Though it does look flash...

  11. i do my gcse's in like 5-6 months, but guess what happened today! Ive been kicked out of school tempoerily having my hair "extemely long"(wtf, its 1 inch below the bottom of my collar), and they cant legaly be told to cut my hair as it is a) my right b) its my hair, ffs c) they cant be biased in uniform rules on the ground of gender, and d) my hair is natural colour, and natural in style. Havent they got better things to do, like kick out the kids who sell drugs out of their locker...

    You really got kicked out for having long hair? What sort of school do you go to, a tight-arse academy? Seriously, what school?

  12. 12 Monkeys

    Fight Club

    They're great films. Though I didn't get either of them on first viewing.


    1. The Matrix. Probably the best film I ever shall see. I won't go into it because I don't want to.

    2. War of the Worlds (2005). I say this mostly for how well I think it shows all the bad things that happen when humans get scared.

    3. LotR Trilogy. For Gondor!

    4. Annie Hall. Woody Allen just makes me laugh so much; "I want a coffee, Jew?"

    5. Tremors. It's so crap that it goes beyond and becomes good.

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