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Posts posted by Arragaun

  1. Another wonderful reaction by a group of Muslims:




    Do the people in Middle-East only know how to react with violence when faced with something that's upsetting or insulting? It feels like you're experiencing the attitudes of a load of 9-year olds in a playground. However, I wouldn't even give these imbeciles that compliment as at least 9-year olds know that committing arson and vandalising is the wrong way to go about things when someone draws a cartoon that insults you. They really are worse than animals.

    Man, you're just digging up bad stuff now, stay on the cartoon thing.

    Worse than animals huh? What next, der Muslim ist der Feind?

    You cannot call them animals. It is racist, it is bullshit, you are bullshit.

    People sometimes do bad things. If you're a Christian, then your religion's done bad stuff. If you're Jewish, your religion's done bad stuff. If you're something else, then I don't know, maybe your religion's done bad stuff.

    If you're not religious then maybe you can just be all smug.

    Point is, no one's innocent, get off your pedestal.

  2. Alright fine mate, but I was under the impression we were talking about the London rioters, who were peaceful right?


    My comment on those pcitures: they're lovely, that guy wearing the bandana at the start, with the islamic script on it? Fucking terrorist mate, no doubt about it. I'll give you the rest of the pictures though.


    And don't bother hating them, listen to Yoda man, it breeds suffering...

  3. You're right Platty, it is one massive over-reaction. If would have been so much better if they'd just sued the paper or something.

    One side needs to back down and admit fault though, otherwise it'll escalate into something worse.

    Apologised.....he could have been shoot, and should have been given a very hefty sentance, after the shoot to kill bill went through parliment to use against suicide bombers, how dumb can someone be to dress up as one. He made a joke of our police force, we have laws which should be inforced. And now it looks even worse for normall british muslims, as people will assosiate them with idoits like him.

    Do you mean the police should have shot this guy?

  4. i5973609-0203Tom.gif

    There have been people use this type of propoganda before.

    The fucking Nazis.

    That cartoon of Mohammed unfairly associates all Muslims with terrorists, just like this Nazi cartoon associates all Jews with communism (which was the height of evil in the West at the time).



    We shouldn't have to remind ourselves of things like this, MarioDS. Those cartoons were wrong.


    Andross, I'd like to stress the point that, as proven under a century ago, it can be a short and slippery slope towards very very bad things.

  5. Bollocks.

    Show me evidence that those protesters are at all like 'a mob of serial killers'. Show me their criminal records. Show me footage of their life-imprisonment.

    Think of the repercussions if the police were to have arrested them all, the rest of the Muslim community (which has so far been quiet) would have spoken out against the government. You can't arrest people for speaking/writing of violence.

    Just remember, sticks and stones may break your bones, but you can't arrest non-violent protesters.

  6. I'm with what gaggle and Domo Kun have said so far.

    I agree that both sides (as in every conflict) have helped make it all a lot worse.

    I don't believe the police should've busted the protesters, that would've made them feel oppressed and given extremism more fuel. Better for us to let them have their tantrum and ignore it.


    Edit: I didn't want to make an 'Us and Them' thing there. I should have said the government and the protesters.

  7. These people have different mentalities to you and me and many others in this country. They just don't think like we do.

    Yeah I sound racist, I'm trying to sound logical though.

    Also, do you really think it'll spark a third world war? I hoped we were past that age. I mean, western countries aren't even geographically close to the Middle-East. The main culprits of the other two fracars were. I think at worst it will lead to another iron curtain story, where the west gets suicide bombed every now and then and the other side is infiltrated and turned into an extension of a western company.

  8. Are you kidding? They've been raving about them on the radio for a couple of weeks now. Although the guy on Radio 1 said their album was pretty dissapointing, so maybe the hype will reduce to normal levels soon. That's PR corperations for you.

    Why don't you listen to band themselves, and Don't Believe The Hype.

    Sorry, pun.

  9. Actually the Monkeys are supporting Maximo Park, not the other way round.

    The reason why they're so hyped is because people go on internet forums and say things like 'Why are they so hyped, I mean, they're alright, but...' and it just spreads the myth. I don't think they're hyped at all...

  10. P.s did any one here that radcliff gonar get £14 million for OotP, i mean WTF £14 million for that rat arse, while other more talented actors get pittens compared to that

    Yeah. But other, more talented actors aren't involved in supremely lucrative movie franchises...

  11. The fact that Bush is only (truthfully or not) admitting the problem now, does not bode well. Bush has only just acknowledged the problem and Kyoto is hardly a sure-fire way of ending pollution, it's only an agreement for God's sake. It's like setting targets to do in school; "I will spend more time on coursework in future" no one ever follows those through.

    Earth is doomed. Terraform Mars.

  12. It wasnt an exact comparison. It would be impossible for anyone to get into power like Hitler did nowadays. But you have to concede the similarities. Invading country after country, Iran or North Korea next, place your bets! And like I said the racial hatred, the right wing tendecies. True Bush isnt as bad but do you think that would be the same if American media didnt have free speech?

    It's still possible for a Hitler analogue to assume power in the present day. Don't forget the Nazis were actually voted in. And diabolical tyrants still rule in many countries, Zimbabwe for example.

    Secondly, where is this racial hatred thing coming from? I've never heard anything about Bush conducting ethnic cleansing.

    The invading country after country thing. Practically every other western power has conducted its share of invasions. The colonial times were rife with them.

    I still fail to see how Bush is at all like Hitler.

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