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Everything posted by ThePigMarcher

  1. Little King's Story

    But most (if not all) of your lost troops would have washed up on Resurrection Beach the following day anyway.
  2. Little King's Story

    Seeing as I have been hammering the 360 lately I decided to have a Wii Appreciation Day today, although my collection has been decimated after a recent clear out. First port of call was to start another playthrough of this. In fact, I haven't yet had the chance to look at anything else because I haven't been able to put this down (again) and it's f'ing ace to get back on this, it's still as enchanting as it was.
  3. Fragile Dreams

    You may be right. I am really looking forward to this and it could well be the first Wii game I have bought since last June . That being said, I hope it doesn't suffer the same fate as Muramasa, that fate, being another game that I was really looking forward to and yet I still haven't had the motivation to pick it up .
  4. Mass Effect 2

    Yes, both appearance and class can be changed. I even managed to make Shepard look worse than he did before, unintentionally.
  5. Mass Effect 2

    I was also dying far too frequently, some of that was adapting and I also jumped straight in on Veteran which shouldn't really have been an issue but the changes made it tougher. I'll have to remember that with Pull, only just unlocked it so I haven't had a chance to test it yet, cheers for the heads-up. Shockwave is great, and I'm getting used to Charge now, it was also the reason for my multitude of deaths. I kept thinking I was going after a single enemy so would charge them, only to find out that a couple of other enemies where hiding around the corner . Being a little more cautious when I use it now which is obviously helping, along with a shotgun or melee follow-up of course .
  6. Mass Effect 2

    Progress has been very slow for me as I am trying to split time with this and Darksiders (which has grabbed me far more than I expected). Really loving this though and although it took a while to adapt to some of the changes (especially as Vanguards seem a little tougher to use than before) but I'm now slowly getting there, most are beneficial anyway. I do miss the Mako though.
  7. The Last Story (24th February)

    I'll most definitely be keeping an eye on this. Lost Odyssey is one of my favourite 360 games, and I keep meaning to give Blue Dragon a chance* so I am curious to see what Mistwalker can come up with here. * The demo (admittedly, not the best way to judge JRPGs) didn't do anything for me, but seeing as it's dirt cheap now it probably deserves a look.
  8. Darksiders

    Another one joins the Darksiders club. Seeing as the screen tearing issue got patched I caved in and picked this up not this morning (along with ME2) so I hope it doesn't disappoint. Now I've just got to make time to play it. EDIT - Managed to give this a couple of hours last night and it's certainly looking like it's going to be an enjoyable experience.
  9. Darksiders

    Looks like I may need to redirect my intended DI funds for this instead. I did actually enjoy the DI demo and if Vigil Games had been able/found the time to get a demo together for this I may have considered it sooner. I should probably wait until I finally complete The Last Remnant (f'ing 6 bases ) before stocking up on too many new games, barring ME2, of course.
  10. Darksiders

    Really want to pick this up but just can't afford it at the moment, what with ME2, Bioshock 2 and a strange attraction to Dante's Inferno to finance.
  11. Mass Effect 2

    I've tried to avoid reading too much about the game so I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I would assume (and hope) that the bonuses aren't anything too excessive, otherwise there could be potential balancing issues as you described above. As for character/decision importation, I already have a couple of characters with slightly differing decisions in each playthrough so deciding which one to go with for my first run through on this could be a slight problem.
  12. Mass Effect 2

    From what I understand, you will be able to switch your class. The only things that carry through from the original game are the decisions that you made. As Cube stated, you will be able to get some sort of bonus for whatever level you achieved previously, but all characters will start again at Level 1.
  13. Little King's Story

    I can't deny that there is an element of truth in that, the problem being that with limited funds and now owning a 360 it's getting a little difficult to spread the gaming time (and money) around, plus I just seem to lack the motivation to pick up Wii games for some reason. Hopefully that'll pass, because I really should get around to picking up Muramasa at least.
  14. Little King's Story

    Very disappointing news indeed and pretty much the only reason I was still holding on to the Wii.
  15. Little King's Story

    Ouch, I can't compete with that
  16. Little King's Story

  17. Little King's Story

  18. Little King's Story

    And I thought I was obsessed :p
  19. Wii General Discussion

    Damn, I got next to nothing when I sold these last year so perhaps I should have held onto them for just a little longer. I still have BWii knocking around somewhere so maybe, just maybe I can get a decent return on that.
  20. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

    For me, this is what makes the game a rental rather than a purchase (even with the multiple endings), which is a shame as it really does look good.
  21. Metroid Prime Trilogy

    Yep perhaps I should have elaborated, I've already played Prime and Corruption to death and played most of Echoes, until I lost the will to live anyway, perhaps I should have given that one another chance. On reflection, if the new 'expanded' market couldn't be tempted to grab the Trilogy then perhaps Nintendo did the right thing by discontinuing this package. After all, who else (outside of those who have already experienced the franchise) was ever likely to pick this up.
  22. Metroid Prime Trilogy

    There was no way that I was going to stump up the original retail price for what amounted to a re-release (however good that reworking may have been), so I was waiting/hoping for a significant price drop before picking this up. Obviously not going to happen now, so smart move Nintendo [/sarcasm], it's already bad enough that I haven't had a compelling enough reason to switch the machine on since August or buy a game since last June. Now I'm beginning to understand why.
  23. Best Of...

    No problem dazzy, I could probably have come up with a Top 10 if I were more inclined* as I sold over 30 Wii games from my collection last year and there were a few half-decent ones in there. * last day of the regular NFL season today and its been horrible to watch my team fall apart this year so it always puts me in a less than forthcoming mood on Sunday evenings.
  24. Best Of...

    With all due respect, if there was anything that was worth picking up or something that didn't leave me completely underwhelmed (Madworld/Paper Mario/HotD spring to mind) then I would. Even MK Wii soon made be realise that I haven't really enjoyed the series since its SNES inception. Anyway, it's not worth raking over because it seems that the Wii is just not for me at the moment (for whatever reason) and I don't want to turn this into ANOTHER of those threads. I only came here to express my adoration for LKS, as if the avatar didn't give it away :p. And before anyone pipes up, I would have also struggled to fill out a Top 5 360 list for 2009.
  25. Best Of...

    Good luck with that, were there even 5 half decent games last year ? Anyway, after much struggling I just about came up with a Top 5, a Top 10 was probably out of the question because most of those that may have made the list wouldn't have deserved a mention in a top of anything list. 1, Little King's Story (by a f'ing mile) 2, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 3, Okami (even if the PS2 was probably better) 4, Super Mario Galaxy 5, No More Heroes