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Everything posted by NintendWho

  1. Wrong Chomp? Lol, I always called him Chain Chomp or just Chomp but yeah that's him. Free with the original run of the Nintendo Magazine sometime quite a few years ago :D


    And thanks for the welcome, much appreciated :)

  2. Please, no one get their hopes up for a trailer... this happens too frequently on the net: a rumour begins and it gets out of control and when it doesn't come to pass everyone shouts at, and blames, Nintendo, even though they never started the rumour or gave any reason themselves for the hype. This site seems to have an awful lot more people with their heads screwed on than anywhere else online though As for a 1st-person Zelda, a lot of people were unsure how Metroid would work in the 1st person. AND we're forgetting something which could show us how good a 1st-person Zelda could be as far as swordplay goes: Red Steel 2
  3. Post Your Purchases

    Just curious as to what you thought of this? It's one of those games that's been flitting in and out of my radar for a while and I see it's now on offer in a shop here in Belfast, just want to be sure if it's worth parting with? Certainly looks interesting from what I've seen but reviews have been mixed.
  4. Metroid Prime Trilogy

    Thanks for the welcome people, unfortunately my laptop is on the fritz and I don't have a keyboard for the Wii so have had to wait until I'm back in work to get back on. SCG, brilliant review and the trilogy completely deserves that score! Interesting to hear your time for completing MP1 was longer than on the Cube, glad to read you also like taking your time, hunting down everything and taking in every last morsel of story (through scans) you can. Just the way I'm doing it too! Have to say though, the real time spent playing the game will be a lot longer (according to my Wii message board anyway) as the games themselves don't count the vital minutes and seconds spent reading what we're scanning, or going over the log book entries already there at the start of the game. I love the improvements, the graphics are lush (I'm loving the effect when you scan underwater, the lighting is just superb!) and is it just me or are there a few new (or at least refined) sfx and musical tracks? I adored MP1 the first time around and it's really sucked me in again. Currently on 44% items aquired and 77% log book entries with 6:53 time spent (and add quite a bit more for reading the logs, I've played it four days in a row now for a few hours a time so I don't know HOW it's only counted 7 hours!) The morph ball thing, some people have said they can't do the jump with the flick of the remote. This is only possible after you've picked up the morph ball bombs. When you do get this ability, it feels completely natural and does make bombs jumps easier. It also makes fighting in this mode easier which I've been experimenting with too. And Zechs Merquise is right, it's only the little things that her arm cannon did as far as graphics being removed. And so what? If it means we have fluid movement of her arm cannon via the wii remote without any flicker or slowdown then so be it. I didn't even notice, and the upgrades made elsewhere more than make this up. The perfect game. Just even more perfect now!
  5. Metroid Prime Trilogy

    Hi everybody, new here and just wanted to add that I cannot wait for Friday!! It's my girlfriend's birthday weekend so I'm not going to get a chance to play it but I've booked next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off work for three full days of Samus action! The original Prime is still my fave game ever and I'm eagerly looking forward to controlling that game with the remote and nunchuck, enjoying the refinements and unlocking all the additional achievements. Never did beat Prime herself or get above 91% scans on the GC, so looking for 100% this time! Never played Prime 2 and loved Prime 3 on Wii. Going to play straight through from the very beginning and can't wait to explore these planets at my leisure while scanning everything to get the full story. I never rushed through the original Prime, I loved the back-tracking and scanning and little snippets of info and story that would pick up, it really added to the realism and atmosphere.... okay I'll stop whittering now, I'm just very excited!