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Posts posted by Erin14

  1. Cool haden was is scary that's all I need 2 know cause all the movies with a plan word is always scary trust me. Saw is a movie that's scary I thought it was about a saw(the working sharp one) I found out it was scary. Bones is a movie where I thought it was about investigating bones lolz now moon it better not be scary or else ima game punch u LOL.


    Anyways ummmmm my day has been kind of boring ummm and like im just tryna have fun b4 school starts(Tuesday)

  2. Im not whinning dude im just annoyed because people saying im not going 2 welcome u because of such and such and other things like im trolling and other things.


    I can see him making a fine mod round these parts.

    Lolz I've had some expierence begin a mod and admin on fourms lol. I just wanna make friends and not enemys.
