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Everything posted by Cubechris

  1. Photoshop this #3.....CVD

    Commence Voting RE'ers
  2. Photoshop this #3.....CVD

    Oh sweet glory!
  3. User Image Gallery

    more pictures of a somewaht comical nature plz Pull a funny face or whatever, as you dont wont Photoshop this.. to die do you?
  4. Not another... video Blog!

    woah, you mentioned a url i am associated with you get a prize. (I cant hear you very well)
  5. Photoshop this #3.....CVD

    Nice work substeinar. Awesome.
  6. Tournament Website

    WiFiGamers is looking pretty sweet.
  7. Photoshop this #2.....Sarka

    Welcome to week two of Photoshop this, last week we had some great entries, and the current standings are as follows: 1st - Redshell - 64 points 2nd - The3rdChildren - 33 points 3rd - substeinar - 10 points 4th - Broadwayrock - 6 points 5th - Dabookerman - 5 points 6th - Shino - 4 points 7th - Meik - 3 points//DiemetriX - 3 points 8th - rohed00 - 2 points 9th - gaggle64 - 1 points Every week I will be pulling out a random image from the 'user gallery' and placing it in here to sample the delights of Photoshop! So post new ones! If you would prefer not to be 'shopped then just tell me via PM. The game is simple, you take the provided photo, make changes for comedy purposes, and on Tuesday the entries will stop, and the voting will begin. So every Thursday a new picture, then you have untill Tuesday to submit your entries (6PM GMT), and then you vote for your top three (by username) in order with number one being the greatest, then when Thursday rolls round, the tally will be totalled and carried on to the next thread, where a new photo will be 'shopped. You don't have to use Photoshop, any image software is fine. You can choose more than one picture by the same user if you wish. The scoring goes like this: 1st - 5points 2nd - 3points 3rd - 1point This week, after much trawling through the Image Gallery Archive, we have a Revo-Europe Mod , Sarka: Photoshop this...
  8. Photoshop this #2.....Sarka

    Voting over, new Photoshop this coming very soon.
  9. Hidden Wii Pages (Friend codes confirmed)

    Those who have it in your cache, post screenies plz.
  10. Photoshop this #2.....Sarka

    1st - Dabookerman - Scooby Skarma Doo 2nd - The3rdChildren - Bad Cops Bad Cops 3rd - Meik - The Scream
  11. Photoshop this #2.....Sarka

    Awesome stuff, picture entries close at 6PM tommorow, then the voting begins.
  12. Waterworld, BBC1, Tonight at 11.

    Or ciggarettes for that matter...
  13. Waterworld, BBC1, Tonight at 11.

    Ok, fancy some Halo?
  14. Waterworld, BBC1, Tonight at 11.

    Fuck you Guy for making me watch that with you guys.
  15. Playstation Discussion Archive

    but it's a 360 screen.
  16. WiiConnect 24 disconnected for the UK!!!

    There will be loopholes.
  17. Photoshop this #2.....Sarka

    I call Cock Joke.
  18. Topic: Is this country (the UK) breeding idiots? Author: Jordan Clearly.
  19. Some more... Erm... Odd Mario artwork

    It nearly did you bastard.
  20. User Image Gallery

    No. This is I. (thanks colin)
  21. Nike + iPod Sport Kit

    Apple must love you.
  22. 60s,70s,80s,90s or 00s for music?

    I love you.
  23. 60s,70s,80s,90s or 00s for music?

    60s 80s 00s plz