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About tissuetown

  • Birthday 03/03/1984


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  1. heh. I used to work at HMV Trocadero. Why did they pick that store? The game section is tiny.
  2. Cheers yo. Well next up in around two weeks time, is a building in low poly using a bunch of 256x256 textures. Fun times.
  3. I think the shadow is somewhat proportional to the strength of the light that is being produced. I darkened the image in post for a more moody look rather than a photo-real look ( I abandoned photo real a week back). The scene is basic because it's 2 planes and a texture. That's it. It was a last minute thing lol. Oh also, shadows are in one direction because I used a directional light ;p
  4. What's wrong with the shadows?
  5. I actually decided to change it due to the complete inconsistencies in the shadows. So here's a much simpler version.
  6. All done.
  7. I got the first Wii Sports and have played it for all of 1 hour. I have no interest in Golf Games. And I know nothing about Zack and Wiki, and I don't do blind buys.
  8. Animators don't model.
  9. No limits at all. 11 textures in total all 1k. Model is over 300,000 (tires and chain). Next projects will have limits though. No animation from me yet. I am concentrating on one thing atm. Also, the animation tutor at Escape worked at Pixar, and he said that unless you're talented, it could take up to 7 years to be good at animation.
  10. Sarcasm was applied to the posts that you quoted mate.
  11. All I know is that it didn't sell as much as it should have. I don't know the exact numbers so I'm not gonna make it up. I suppose I should go find out then. Yeah. A paltry 1 million (rounded) In Japan and 8 mil worldwide. Should have sold more than everything else on the Wii.
  12. Why don't you find out?
  13. My final project at Escape is to do an entire courtyard (that exists, so loads of reference needed), and it must include foliage, wood, bricks, water, etc and an interior. I cannot wait to do this actually. I am coming close to the end of my current project that has lasted almost 4 weeks now. Will be finished this thursday. Here's how it stands thus far.. Ignore lack of lighting and decent shader set up.
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