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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. well it seems random battles are strictly Japan v Japan. America v America. Europe v Europe. Its BS by Nintendo and seriously sucks!!


    I really hope they don't lock the friend codes to region only. Plus I not sure if the Japanese copy will try and connect with European players when it is released here. If not I am screwed as random battles not working for importers at the moment.


    Does anyone know how this exactly works. I always thought that it was the game that determined which servers you play on. so having a Japanese copy means Japanese servers. That's how DS games work right?

    So you'd rather have completely laggy matches that wont work and will make the game not fun?


    Good to know

  2. This whole fighting without items is virtually new to me as me and my mates rarely used to do it. Just once in a while just to establish who really was the best out us (me :D)

    My friends and I always have items on. It'd be a pretty shallow and dry game if we didnt


    Although, that said...we always have the hammer off


    No there's not. Ask anyone who plays any 2d fighter and they will tell you that you are wrong. The hardest part of ANY 2d fighter is reading your opponent.

    Smash Bros isnt your every day 2D fighter though. Generally those have limited movement and a range of button combos that differ for each character. Smash Bros however does not

  3. NEW:

    “Mushroom Cup”

    Luigi Circuit

    Moo Moo Country

    Mushroom Canyon

    Toad Factory


    “Flower Cup”

    Mario Circuit - Figure-8 with underpass

    Coconuts Mall

    DK Snowboard Cross

    Wario Mines



    “Shell Cup”

    GC Peach Beach

    DS Yoshi Falls

    SFC Ghost Swamp 2

    64 Mario Circuit


    “Banana Cup”

    64 Sherbert Land

    GBA Hey Ho Beach

    DS Monty Town

    GC Waluigi Stadium


    Hmm...Only Sherbert Land and Waluigi Statium interest me from the retro ones. Yoshi Falls was awful and I can't remember Monty Town at all.





    GameCube buttons are visible there.




    Boring new character.

    Thank fuck for that

  4. haha how the hell did i manage that. I would explain but i dont think anyone would believe me =( Actually I can't even remeber how i got there. All i know is that I think the bum on that girl's chin is horrible and she can sometimes look older than her mum which i was just telling a friend of mine of msn. Anyways here is what i really wanted to contribute (damn this laptop this is the second time it has done that!)

    Until now, I didnt realise how boring Smash Bros is without items..

  5. Come on Gamecube controller lol


    Nintendo have learned that adding in motion sensing where ti may not belong is a bad idea


    Now I've played MK Arcade GP and steering wheel controls do work alright for Mario Kart, but its no control pad

  6. Up-B: ExtremeSpeed...works like Fox's...slight charge then can go in any angle. If you hit a wall or ceiling you cling onto it briefly allowing you to use it again

    Neutral B: Aura Sphere (see below)

    Side-B: Some people say Force Palm but it works a lot like Fox's unless theres a character nearby in which it does something else, apparently similar to Bowser's melee slam thing

    Down-B: Me First


    Lucario's Aura Sphere is weak as you start, but when your damage is larger, the Aura Sphere gets proportionally more powerful


    Personally I feel I'm gonna try them all out, they all look fun and interesting, but since I got told Lucario was in it back in September, I've wanted to play as him

  7. It's good to see the Assault version of the Star Wolf Theme

    And it's awsome to see the Cow Racing music :D




    Maybe they were going to originally be in or different costumes of people (Dr. Mario was surely, and Warioman already is)


    What's pra mai?!?!

    Some people are guessing its Plusle and Minun, but that doesnt match their official translations

  8. Something interesting I saw on Smashboards...actually skimmed over the file list and missed it earlier


    Fighter effect packs

    \effect\fighter\ef_warioman.pac, size:128 off:2ADD2820


    \effect\fighter\ef_mewtwo.pac, size:128 off:2AB67460

    \effect\fighter\ef_dr_mario.pac, size:128 off:2A9536C0

    \effect\fighter\ef_toon_sheik.pac, size:128 off:2ADBF4A0

    \effect\fighter\ef_toon_zelda.pac, size:128 off:2ADBF520

    \effect\fighter\ef_roy.pac, size:128 off:2AD02780

    \effect\fighter\ef_dixie.pac, size:128 off:2A940A20

    \effect\fighter\ef_pra_mai.pac, size:128 off:2AC9DE40


    Probably means nothing as there arent actual fighter slots for them, but who knows

  9. To be fair, i can understand the controller complaints. Lets face it, most of us are going to probably buy/use a GC controller which not every Wii owner might have.


    And the paragraph I highlighted seems to make sense to me, he/she atleast sounds as if they've played the game.

    I'm not so sure, they could have got all of that from forums, trust me


    And controller complaints shouldnt be an issue...there are 4 kinds, all customisable...its to find one good for you, one you will enjoy. The one you're using isnt making things easy? Change it up a bit!

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