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Posts posted by Serebii

  1. Just checked to see if my order has also been updated at VGP and indeed it has!


    Rummy I have to ask, that quote in your sig is it from the legendary Ollie Williams from Family Guy? If so big respect :)

    Mines a step behind all of yours since I ordered friday evening :( hope it still ships tomorrow


    I have a bad feeling my Wii might be one of the ones that won't run Brawl, as I quite often have the Wii fail to load a disc after hitting the Play button. Have to take the power out the back and restart the console. Might be completely unrelated mind, but still, I have a nagging doubt about mine :(


    Would NoE repair mine free even if I imported Brawl?

    I have the same fear...and sometimes the same issue...

  2. If you smoke or your room is dusty where your wii is, theres a small chance that the Wii won't read the new dual-layered Disc Brawl uses! and you will get the 'disc unreadable' status when trying to play the game!

    I'm in the process of clearing my entertainment area...was a lot of kegged up dust but my wii should be ok :) am re-ordering everything for optimum deployment too in order to prevent further contamination

  3. Hehe, no worries :heh:


    If people don't believe or what a source for assurance(which I neded alot off with Freeloader thing) then i'd be happy to post a source if they wanted. Though you are right though the internet rule is Link/Pics or it never happened.


    I can see someone beating me as Pikachu though :( Humiliating day it would be, so good thing i'll never mentioned it if it did happen...


    @Scuba. Stuff i've been mentioning is from Datel anyway. Not gonna believe random forumers :heh:

    We'll have to brawl, and then record it and put it on youtube for the humiliation of me as Pikachu owning you :p

  4. I recommend importing guys, because it looks like it is not going to be released until September at the earliest.


    I look forward to picking up my copy Monday (Can't do it tomorrow, sniffle) so if there is anything you want to know, for whatever reasons, I'll be happy to give details. I know it is not enough but it is the least I can do.

    And what makes you say that?


    I've been broken...have ordered a US version and a Freeloader haha

  5. What Nintendo is doing is bad business practice. It should be released within a cuople weeks of the dojo ending...else the hype machine has gone for it


    They're being totally foolish


    I'm gonna try and call in a few markers and see what I can find out although I'm hedging bets on June 6th as it was a NOE staff member who said it at those awards. Yes he's french, but still, we cant hold it against him.

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