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Posts posted by chrizkerr2

  1. Yeah I have 2 VMU's I could include.


    How would £15 be?

    And I can find out postage options for you depending on how much you'd want to pay for it, Recorded/1st Class etc...


    I just found a few more Dreamcast games, there's...


    - Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles

    - ReVolt

    - Crazy Taxi


    I could include all them for another £5?


    If Flameboy doesn't want it, I would like to register my interest.

  2. Been loving Home recently! Got most of the free stuff from the shops (All the Watchman stuff)


    Just been reading through the past couple of pages... Is it still possible to get all that Namco stuff?


    And do we have an N-E club yet? :P

  3. I started to sit down and play with Home today (Never really touched it before), and I really enjoyed it xD


    Just relaxing, went to the mall and got those free Watchman items and clothes, then hit over to the Threatre to watch some Max Payne making of thingie...


    Just downloading the "hub" at the moment... Home is pretty awesome.

  4. Just completed Kingdom Hearts 2 for the first time. Damn, didn't realise as I was playing, but afterwards, you really appreciate all the effort that went into this game (especially after the gargantuan credits) and just how epic it was. Finishing it makes me wanna play this again, or play the sequel which there seems to be no info for :(


    Ooo, how scary.


    I've been playing KH2 for the first time now aswell. (Even though I have owned the game for years, orginally bought it off Stocka from the forums)


    Game is pure win (Up to Beast's Castle 2nd time, with that intense boss fight).


    Can't believe it has taken my so long to start playing KH2!

  5. Any PS3 owners who have yet to pick up Prince of Persia should get over to Play.com PRONTO as its only £9.99 for TODAY ONLY.


    Special Play.com pack that also includes the Epilogue DLC which is a pretty good deal - shame I already have it for 360 really.


    Here is the link:http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/4-/8986149/Prince-Of-Persia-Play-com-Exclusive-Edition/Product.html


    Blasphemy, seems its gone back up to £17.99


    Would of bought it aswell :(

  6. Does The Pitt increase the level cap? I've reached level 20. It's a shame because there's so many quests in the game I haven't done and I just know I'd get a load of XP for it.


    Nope thats the next DLC "Broken Steel" :)

  7. Completed the game on Vet last Saturday. Love every bit of it <3


    Currently running through on Professional mode with my same co-op partner...


    Lets just say its unforgiving... Nearly all attacks will reduce you to a dying state, and the dying meter only lasts about 2 seconds...


    Infinite magnum is winner though <3

  8. Managed to get them up here they are:














    So just finished reading the article... Being able to ride Cyclops' now ftw <3


    Also (Although pretty obvious) this game finish's of the story from the previous ones.


    I want the game now :( Might fire up some GoW on the PS2 just to get my fix

  9. :o I'm shocked since my copy has just arrived and I ordered from Play.com!


    Normally takes 3 - 5 days for an item to arrive, and they only sent it yesterday!


    But if my online buddy doesn't receive his today, I won't be playing mine anyways :P

  10. Mine has been posted according to Play.com... First time I have pre-ordered using Play... Hoping it comes on Friday ¬_¬


    Already lined up to complete it online on co-op with an online buddy :)

  11. Ooo, lets like something exciting has happened in Bromley, just up the road from my house.


    Unfortunaly I don't know what, Police have blocked the whole street off, and won't tell me anything ¬_¬


    Bah, Iam so damn curious to know what has happened, but can't even get close to find out.
