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Fused King

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Posts posted by Fused King

  1. i really want to play this again, i'm almost having withdrawal symptoms after that one hour of gameplay I got to play on Saturday night. They need to do some more tests before the 29th!




    Stay strong, brother!

  2. Beyond Good & Evil 2?


    If NINTENDO decides to pick up that IP and give Ancel full control, good god :yay: Hold me.


    That may very well be true.

    Miyamoto may be great with concrete mechanics, but he seems quite clueless when it comes to "fluff".


    On the other hand, Splatoon seems to be quite good from that standpoint.


    Yes, I guess it depends on what team is under his helm and whether or not they might be collaborating with someone on the title.

  3. I tell you what really struck me while playing this, and that is for a game with basically no communication functionality, the feeling of cooperation and working as a team is still incredibly strong. icon14.gif It doesn't matter what language your teammates speak (obviously, because you can't speak to them anyway :woops::heh:) but you still feel really connected purely via the nature of the gameplay.


    At one point (on the battle where I chose the roller) I was struggling to get enough ink on a wall to climb it, and another player on my team (who was already standing on top of the wall) fired a path for me to climb with their Splattershot. :love:


    During another match, I spotted someone on my team about to be confronted by an enemy player, so I dived into the ink and swam towards them, popping up at the last moment and sharing the bubble shield with them.


    There's just so much potential for rad co-op gameplay like that.

    Admittedly I've not played too many online team-based games in the past, perhaps effecting my opinion here, but nevertheless I'm really impressed with that aspect of Splatoon. :)



    Even though there is no real communication, I've actually always enjoyed this non-verbal stuff akin to the wonderful ways of communication in Journey.


    As you play more with the same team, you begin to watch each other's back and teaming up with one another.

    I believe I went through an entire match backing up a Japanese brother and we were the owning for a period of time.

  4. I'm not very good at using the GamePad screen while playing this though, the pace of the game makes looking down to check the map/super jump pretty tricky. :hmm: Hopefully something that will get easier with more practice though.


    But yeah, this game is fantastic and I just cannot wait for May 29th! :)


    I checked the GamePad when I died to see where my paiting expertise was needed.


    I'm really looking forward to master the sniper-like weapons.

    In a game where chaos seems to reign, my team will need a level-headed Deadshot in the back to save their painting asses.

  5. presentbombreactOOKMED.gif


    Gather 'round, gather 'round fellow Nyurpers, and let us talk about NINTENDO's presence at E3 2015.


    Though not that active anymore, I am always down for a good ol' fashion hype-nanny!


    Let us first get out of the way what we know will be present.


    For the WiiU:

    - Star Fox WiiU

    - Xenoblade Chronicles X


    For the 3DS:

    - Fire Emblem If

    - Rhythm Paradise Plus ?!?


    You guys I have been out of the game for a bit too long :laughing:

    I have little to no idea what known facts there are regarding NINTENDO at this year's E3, so maybe you dawgs can help me out and I'll update accordingly.



    Will NINTENDO have a stage presence this year?

    What is Next Level Games working on?

    What is Retro Studios working on?

    Will we see more collaborations with 3rd parties on new franchises akin to the birth of The Wonderful 101?

    How smug will Reggie be this time and how resentful will some of the Nyurpers be because of this?

    Will we see our first smartphone game?

    Will a dormant franchise be revived?

    Will there be news about the Smash Bros. Ballot?

    Will we get a look at more Mario Kart DLC?

    Moar Platformerezzzz?!?!

    Will Animal Crossing WiiU be the big title to end it all?


    Now that some relevant questions have been asked I will now proceed with speculation.


    Samus Aran and Captain Jay Douglas Falcon in an open world-ish bounty-hunting game in space where you get the best of both worlds by being able to take on various bounties. Some might involve insane racing whilst others might have you explore a desolate planet all by your lonesome. Of course Co-op will be a major selling point of the game and it will give us a new appreciation for two of NINTENDO's greatest bounty hunters ever to have roamed the universe :D


    That is all.

  6. Just saw the direct on my Wii-U and got me excited for the game :)


    Whilst my backlog is vast and going through major changes in my life, it's nice to know I can still enjoy a game every once in a while.

    I do wonder if I'll ever be able to play some great games I've missed over the years...

    ...I'm slowly but surely becoming a casual:blank:

  7. Just got back from watching this in the morning.

    A nice and relaxing theatre.


    To keep it short: Loved it.

    But I'm a sucker for any superhero movie these days and they are the only movies I still go and watch at the cinema.


    A few minor niggles:

    * We didn't get to see what happened to Ulysses Claw :( Was hoping for an after credit-scene with him to see where he went.

    It also got me thinking that the Black Panther film might be some what of a prequel to see how Claw acquired all the Vibranium. Or perhaps the film will be about Black Panther retrieving it all...


    * Why did they have to kill FEGELEIN so damn quick :( :( :( I WANTED MORE FEGELEIN, SOFORT!



    Now, let the promotion machine for Ant Man kick into full throttle!

  8. Oh come on Nyurpers...

    Has nobody ever experienced a massive cluster fuck with items and racers coming at you from all sides resulting in you lying upside down somewhere in a back alley with the only option is having to push B to back up and get the hell out of there?

  9. I know. Even if there wasn't a new one, I would truly truly be delighted with an online hd remake... ANYTHING!


    And an amiibo range of all the cars :)


    What about....






    Damn, it's such a rich world full of character that needs to be explored!


    Mario Kart 8 thread hijacked!

  10. Perhaps we are due for a template on how to talk and respond to one another when it comes to expressing opinions? :laughing:


    - Utter opinion.

    - Acknowledge the other's opinion as normal as possible, utter own opinion.

    - Strengthen your opinion with arguments.

    - Acknowledge the other's arguments as normal as possible, utter own arguments.

    - Acknowledge that both see things differently since the subjective preferences are different.

    - Live happily ever after.


    I cannot recall a single post on here that goes something like:

    "You know what, because you said this and that, I now agree with you that NINTENDO should do this and that."


    I think we have to come to terms with the fact that we shouldn't be trying to convince each other here, but just express how we feel about things, acknowledge it and move on instead of lingering on it.


    X likes things this way, and Y isn't that particular about what X is proposing.


    There's too much ego-battling going on these days and not a lot of game discussion anymore.

    I think I might go to the Zelda thread again :D
