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Fused King

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About Fused King

  • Birthday 10/21/1991

Personal Information

  • Location
    Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Gaming, Writing, Drawing, Painting, Talking about Zeitgeist.
  • Occupation
    Living the life!


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wiiu, Gameboys
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Little King's Story
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • 3DS Friend Code
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    New Nintendo Times are emerging !

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  1. Your willing to sell Conduit if the matchstick sparks in the CoD Reflex thread.

    Just a quick question mate.... What other game do you have that utilizes WiiSpeak? I'm kinda tempted too buddy 'cause the graphics & online looks breathtaking. BUT.. 'WHY' no WiiSpeaking? Why only 5vs5? I dunno, if i had the cash to buy every game then mii would but i got other games to buy and i ain't sellin MY Conduit for nothing :laughing:

    Mariokart would've been heaps awesome with WiiSpeak.


    Ask yourself this, Fusedy ol' buddy,... when your playing OFFline with fam/mates, is the room quiet (and you laughing with yourself)? Or is there noise, shuvving, trash-talking-JOKES?.. This adds to the 'FUN' why you even picked up your control and turned on your console in the first place, in my books! ::shrug:

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