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Posts posted by bluey

  1. I want your opinion on this, first from a technical point of view, but also from a *moral* point of view...


    A short while ago, i was complaining on facebook about badly aimed adverts on my newsfeed:




    i installed the advert blocking extension that my friend suggested and was really pleased with it - in a single session on facebook the little widget often tells me it's blocked over 100 adverts, youtube videos play straight away and other websites that are otherwise horribly advert heavy, almost to the point of being unusable, are now completely ad-free!




    this morning, while i was watching a new vlog from a youtuber i follow...it hit me. i wasn't seeing adverts on their videos... i wondered if that meant that my view of their video didn't count towards their rating - if the advert revenue was still being counted, or if adblock negated that completely...

    i was then hit by tremendous guilt, because - youtubers use that advert revenue to make their money.

    i've since disabled adblock for youtube only..


    my questions to the group are ~ (heheh)


    1. TECHNICAL - does anyone know if advert revenue is still collected by Youtubers from people viewing while adblocking extensions are active?


    2. MORAL - how do you feel about adblock software - do you think it's right or wrong of me to use it? do you think i'm being hypocritical turning off adblock for youtube and not for facebook?


    3. BONUS - do you use adblocking software?


    : peace:

  2. 81T96CzIUpL._SL1500_.jpg


    Picked this up at work for 87p. yup. thank you, game reward card, staff discount and the fact that it's only £4.99 at GAME for some reason rather than the £17 that amazon wants for it. worth 87p just for the digital copy of the movie, but i get all those awesome games too? BAAARGAINNNN!!!


    i also bought




    a tonne of makeup that i'd run out of (foundation, powder and blusher - all ran out at the same time... conspiracy!!!) along with some aussie 3 min miracle conditioner (but just a little travel one 'cause i never use all of the big ones) because the premier inn shampoo REALLY did a number on my hair >_<






    because hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe it's awesome.


    My Weekend haul -




    those are incredibly artfully arranged. kudos. bacon bird pokemon FTW.




    £2.87 for the first two Batman Arkham games, the mythical Scribblenauts Unlimited and a few more I can't remember (and can't be bothered to check).


    thanks for the heads up! *disappears forever!!*


    If you wait another month, you can get it for £33.


    :bowdown: i also love retail :bowdown:

  3. I have never really understood the idea/point/concept of gift cards. Well, I get it but...it's cash. You're cashing cash into a cash equivalent with limits, so it's essentially worth less? If gift cards gave you a 10% discount or something then maybe it'd be cool and ting but nope! Offer bugger all of anything, really. Especially when stuff like this happens, like what HMV did too.



    actually i have a bunch of ideas pinned for when i get old and lazy and start giving my great grandkids money instead of buying them whatever x-play-box-station-6300 game they want to have downloaded straight to their brain...







    A good idea to give to someone while INSIDE a LOW ROOFED building: :weep:



    and if i wanted to be a total dick...



  4. Very stupidly, my nephew with the help of his dad has been putting money into his Xbox One order with them for a few months now, and is probably up to about £200. Not the best thing to do with a company who's been in administration already.


    Luckily though, they're offering refunds...for the time being anyway.


    oh man - abort! abort!!!

    when GAME was in trouble we had so, SO many people kicking off about their gift cards, and since nothing was confirmed at the time the company wasn't offering refunds... i remember thinking "god, these people are putting their money into a system that could easily collapse and they might never see that money again" ... then i got to thinking "but even if the company weren't in trouble - putting money onto a gift card to buy things is stupid 'cause if you lose that card, it's gone."loads of people think that if they lose a gift card they can just bring int he receipt for it - i had to explain to a lady that she couldnt do that recently, she'd had £20 on a card, lost it, then tried to pay with the receipt. luckily she didn't go too mental... but it really made me wonder why people do it........... if you need to pay off a console, just make sure a certain amount is left in your bank each month, surely? or if you can't do that - set up a separate current account and just pay it into that and don't learn the pin number.




    oopsh! i went off on a tangent there, didn't i?


    tl;dr - gift cards are dumb. :blank:

  5. 1422530_10151624288127554_1122574299_n.jpg


    work asked me to email through a headshot for my ID tag for the gadget show live... i sent them this. i think it fully represents me.




    of course i gave them more than one option...




    then i sent them one of me looking totally ridiculous, just as a joke.... :grin:

  6. ((Strange developments on the "Bluey emails crazy cat talk to a German publisher" front: 6 people from that company have now viewed my Li profile over Thursday and Friday of last week...?!))


    It's confirmed!! I'm going to the gadget show live for work!! :grin: that's Thursday-sunday in Earls court! i'm super excited!! weee!


    EDIT: OH! ALSO!!

    I discovered that i'm psychic.


    yep. psychic.

    yesterday at GAME a couple were asking bout those blind-packaged pokemon rumble gachapon balls we sell, i told them we still had them but i'd had to move them out back to make room for all the batman stuff... i told them to wait a second and i'd go grab a random one for her - so i went out back, grabbed one from the BACK of the box, and came back out... i shook it next to my ear and said "yep - it's a pikachu." they bought it, she opened it. it was a fucking pikachu.




    i told her "no offence... but i hate you." :grin:



  7. ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod


    It's back!


    I have to admit, I haven't played much of it so far (i've been having horrible migraines for the past few days...) so am not in a position to give a proper review, but...


    - The 3D. I haven't seen a game look so good in 3D yet... it's really nicely done.

    - The Writing... the demo was written differently to the actual start of the game, so the first 10 mins of the actual game wasn't just me impatiently skipping through story i'd already played; things happened slightly differently storyline wise and, in the demo, they broke the 4th wall a bit and referred to it as a demo. i enjoy that kind of humour in games ^^

    - the sprite animation. brilliant, fluid, expressive, brilliant.






    - when pointing out certain things within a picture (ie: pointing out on a map why something couldn't have been positioned at point A because it had to be aaaattttt... *point!*) the picture in previous titles would appear on the bottom screen to be tapped, but for some reason (maybe it'll become apparent later on...?) the picture now stays on the top screen and you have to position the pointer by dragging your cursor across the bottom screen, which remains blank... the bottom screen doesn't properly represent the size of the picture on the top screen either so you end up having to drag the stylus across a few times to get it in the right place... i don't know what to call this - it's like when you have a wacom tablet that's no properly configured to the resolution you're using on the computer...?

    - nick's voice isn't quite what i had in my mind...

    - that's it, really.... :hmm:


  8. i'm in with a small chance of going to the gadget show next week for work... i'll know more tomorrow, probably. ^.^


    I've been getting slightly bolder with my job-hunt, and in an effort to catch the attention of a foreign publisher that i just happened to REALLY like the games of, i sent them this email:

    (their company name is "Neko Entertainment" "Neko" means "Cat" incase you didn't know!!)


    Dear Neko,

    Meyow mow meyoow, myow-meyow meyow. Meyow, meyow. Mowww, meyowmeyow (meyow meyow!!). Meyooooooooooow?

    Meyow meyow myow Linkedin myow meyow-ow.





    Dear Neko,

    I have recently started to play your games, and I have to say - I really enjoy them! I am looking to gain experience within the gaming industry and I wondered if you might like some (free!) help from me with English language localisation?

    I have previously worked as an English teacher in Japan and currently work retail in a video game shop, however I am hoping to move my career into community management within the video games industry. While I am job-hunting I want to get as much work experience onto my CV/Linkedin profile as possible!

    I include a link to my Linkedin profile, where you can see more information.

    Many thanks,



    ....their CEO has since added me on Linkedin and i got a very nice but slightly pigeon-english "thanks, we'll keep you on file for future projects" email :laughing: ...you catch more flies with crazy?

  9. Wait, wait... wait... 12 MONTHS?! @Ike - go for it!! if you've been chatting to her for more than a few bus rides i'd say "do you want to get a coffee?" is an easy one to slip in and still be not-too-big-a-deal-as-to-make-things-awkward if she says no.

    hell i've asked a girl out (...platonically....)the first time i randomly got chatting with her and it turned into one of the best (....platonic...) friendships i have! :hug:

  10. At the job i recently left, i freaked out the entire office because when my mouse broke i continued to work by using keyboard shortcuts to access everything i needed. O_____O they were only a few steps away from burning me at the stake, i think... that should've been one of my warning flags that i was in the wrong business.... :hmm:


    i was also asked by a colleague why my desktop was so tidy once when i was showing her how to do something... i said "because i keep things in folders..." and she replied: ".........folders?!" :nono:

    then i nearly exploded her brain when i showed her multiple desktops and how i used them to organise the different aspects of my job t the time... *sigh*

  11. Batman-Arham-Origins-box-art-600x600.jpg

    Its a fleshlight. The black part of mine is clear though


    hmm, i was really tempted to get the PC version today (in leu of the delayed PC physical copy they're selling a steam code for slightly cheaper - £29.99 with all the special edition DLC included) buuuuuut i'll have to wait till after payday/santaday because today i bought:




    ..petrol!! there was no giraffe involved, however the buy at the kiosk *did* have quite a long neck... :laughing:


    EDIT: no sex toys for me till after payday either... boooooo.

  12. amazing...


    Stress About The Dress


    (I’m an overweight woman, who has always struggled with weight due to a non-functioning thyroid. I struggle to find a store that caters to larger brides until I find this one, so I go to see what they have. There’s a large woman (probably about 5’5 and 350-380 pounds) on the stage in the center of the room having a fitting done. I’m browsing the catalogs when I hear an exchange between a daughter and her mother and the manager. The daughter is a thin girl who appears spoiled with how she talks. The daughter is staring at the larger woman on the stage, and leans in to her mother.)


    Daughter: “I can’t believe someone like her is actually getting married!”


    Mother: “I didn’t think whales mated for life!”


    (The bride-to-be has clearly heard the comments, and is looking devastated. She takes a step away from the manager who is doing the fitting, but the manager stops her and walks up to the mother and daughter.)


    Manager: “I can’t believe you think you’re going to get a dress from my store.”


    Daughter: “Well, joke’s on you then, because I’m actually here to pick it up! Besides, I’ve already paid.”


    Manager: “Oh, you’re picking up your order? What’s the name?”


    Mother: “It’s [Name].”


    Manager: “Alright…”


    (The manager goes behind the counter, taps some things on the register, and then hands a receipt.)


    Manager: “I need you to sign this.”


    Mother: “What’s this?”


    (The mother signs anyway.)


    Manager: “That’s you signing that you have accepted a full refund for your purchase. You can find another store to get your dresses at. I just cancelled your order and am refusing you service. Now leave before I call the police.”




    (The daughter starts throwing things around.)


    Mother: “We had those dresses custom made! How could you cancel her order! Look at her!”


    Manager: “I cancelled the order because I am not going to let any bride feel like she’s not worthy of marriage just because of her size. Clearly you both feel that you are better than others, and I have no place for clients that are, frankly, a**-holes. I’m calling the police, and since I still have your card information, I’m going to charge you for whatever damages your daughter causes.”


    (The manager picks up the phone. The mother grabs her daughter and they rush out of the door. I ended up buying my dress from them, and it was BEAUTIFUL! Turns out the manager has a daughter who has a severe thyroid disease and has struggled with weight as well!)


  13. Yeah I'm just looking at it now. Is it on GAME's site for any cheaper?


    ALL ace attorney games are out of stock on the game endless range and neither of the stores i work in have any AA in stock :/


    just finished downloading my copy of #5! gunna have a little wind-down time then get on with the game :grin:

  14. Got the "Michael it's Michael" thing before I'd been at work an hour today. Three times in total today.





    Also, had a woman come on, she had been waiting three minutes. "Can I just say that you should get rid of that STUPID irritating message "your call will be answered next", when I'd been waiting for well over ten minutes anyway." As she just came on spouting those lies straight away, I didn't pander to her, and just advised her its to advise that the wait shouldn't be much longer and that she was waiting for three minutes, and she just ignored me.


    Stupid pewple.


    ...michael it's michael...??

    you mean when customers have the same name as you and they think it's the most interesting thing in the world? haha. i always tell them i hate my name - when they ask why i just say "i dunno...."rebecca"..."ruh-beh-kah" just... urgh..." :nono: and they usually STFU :3


    i also LOVE telling customers what *actually* happened when they're complaining about something like waiting for 3 hours when you have it clearly logged that they were waiting for 2 minutes and 53 seconds... i'll sometimes joke with call-centre people about tacky hold music, but it's never the fault of the person you end up speaking to if some annoying automated message thanks you for your patience every 3 seconds in between that panpipe version of greensleeves. :hmm:

  15. I really can't get enough of Lindsey Stirling right now. Managed to see her live in London on Tuesday, and it was honestly the most beautiful and uplifting gig/concert I've ever been to. If anyone hasn't checked her out before, you should definitely do so:





    i loved her in this video - it got me really into the rest of PTX's stuff and i'm going to see them in brum next month! SUPER EXCITED!! :grin:

  16. @Rowan


    ...this makes me take you more seriously, for some reason O_o


    @Ramar don't lose heart!! i dont know much about C++ ....actually i don't know anything about C++ but perhaps there's a refresher corse you can do? or maybe for a while as well as applying for jobs ask around for companies who might be willing to let you shadow someone and brush up on your skills?



    Job hunt central


    back in bluey-land it's lunch time (i learned quickly that there's not a lot of point calling companies between 1 and 2 'cause EVERYONE is on lunch - so i'm taking an hour out, having some food, then i'mma do some drawing 'cause i actually had an idea for an app O_O more on that later...) and do the weekly shop (i love you, sainsbury's home delivery service :heart: )


    last night after work i checked my email to find a reply from one company inviting me to apply to a Social Media Community Development, Digital Marketing and PR work placement they run. it's a 4 week programme in which i'd shadow one of their employees - after that i'd be allowed to take away any work i do for a portfolio and they'll give me a reference. SO! i've just finished and sent off an essay they requested on a recent advertising campaign i admired and why. so that's done... i'm hoping that being invited to apply means i have a good chance of actually getting in, but honestly i'm not sure how packed their internship programmes are....

    after "lunch" i'll be ringing 'round my friday emails to chase up, starting with those i've noted have already viewed my linked in profile, which i'm going to read as "interest" :laughing:

    my boss at GAME is being really supportive (in her own way ^_^) she's a pretty tough personality so it actually means quite a lot that she's being so helpful - she's put me in charge of the upcoming PS4 lock in that we're going to be running.... something for the profile.



    tl;dr = write write write, draw draw draw, call call call, ps4 ps4 ps4.


    edit: also! Linkedin have just sent through an email offering a months free upgrade trial... i think i've been using it for 2 weeks now... probably an automated time thing?

  17. Well, the one advice I hear the most concerning job hunting is that you should actually physically go to the places where you're seeking employment (if possible) instead of relying on phones and the internet. I wouldn't know, but it's just something I hear a lot.


    not really an option for me travel-wise... if they were local i'd definitely go to hand in my information, but because many of the places are at least an hour's drive away it's not really possible. also, since many games companies are in crunch right now i think a phone call/email then a gentle follow-up on wednesday (to emails and calls sent/made on friday) will be less intrusive... :hmm: i don't know, though...


    it did always make a bigger impact on me when i was receiving cv's if the person actually came in to drop it off (saying that - they needed to time it JUST RIGHT in a busy workplace... if we were really teaming with customers it made no difference to me, they may as well have posted it.)


    i've had one reply in which the guy sounds pretty interested in talking with me further on the subject, but said that due to UK employment laws they can't take me on without paying me and haven't budgeted for a marketing/PR person at this point in the company's existence...

    does anyone know the details on uk law and work placements??

  18. Didn't you order that awhile back? Or wassit someone else.



    Tried to give Firefly a go last week. Even with Castle in it I couldn't get past the 5 minute mark.




    No, seriously - not all things can be for everyone... i didn't like castle that much at first, but something about it grabbed me after a while... but, Nathan Fillion will always be "captain" before "castle". and tbh it's worth sticking with firefly for kayleigh - she's awesome ^_^ have you seen the movie? i watched it that way around... even with the massive, soul-crushing spoilers, i really enjoyed it.


    EDIT: oh yeah! i came on here to post what i'd bought O_o Just discovered sharpie make handwrighting pens?! doodled with one at a friends house (she's an illustrator so she just *has* loads of amazing drawing and writing implements lying around..) and they're sooooooooo nice. so nice.

  19. I've just had a really nice experience ~ an advert on a website started playing audio (usually horribly annoying!!). it was for "blueberry frost" scented airwick candle, i think... some big brand air freshener, anyway... when the advert lady said the word "frost" (my new surname since marrying mr. @Jamba) i thought of the word as my name, rather than just a random word.


    i know that's only a tiny thing, but it felt really nice ^_^


    ...also, the 4 letter word beginning with C that sounds like "punt" is NEVER ok for me. not as a joke, not as a throwaway comment, neveeerrrr. i just can't handle it o_O

    i found this pretty interesting:

    WARNING! NSFW AT ALL: many many many uses of the word, but interesting look into the history of the word.



    ...in COMPLETELY UNRELATED news i have to go cancel an order for that personalised pen i was getting jamba for christmas... :/
