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Posts posted by Molly

  1. Hellooo. Thought I'd drop by for an update. :)


    Hyphens are go!


    - I'm addicted to Marling and Newsom. /Jumps on.

    - I've been spending a few weeks down in Bristol doing training and supporting people. It's been very fun, Bristol is an awesome city. There's been a fair amount of good drama and I've loved it.

    - I'm going to Copenhagen for a mini break with my friends in a few weeks!! Although, Noma is booked up, which is a shame. The ash cloud needs to leave us alone, our flights and hotel are booked separately. But yes, cannot wait!!!! (This is the weekend I need a Time-Turner. After I booked the holiday, my cousin told me that's the weekend of her hen do. My friend also invited me to camp at Wimbledon at the end of that week. AND work are having a big do at the dogs as well. Why could these events not be spread out? I ask you).

    -I love love Professor Brian Cox.

    - Work want to keep me until the end of October, which kind of sucks. Feeling pretty down about the whole job hunt thing. But I shan't dwell or rant about it. If I get something before October, I'll take it and forgo the redundancy money. I'm pushing for a pay rise if I stay till Oct because I basically don't take calls any more, I'm doing what a senior does and getting paid the same. Such a fucking pushover.

    - I love new vamped up Spotify.

    - I'm thinking of having a birthday house party for the first time, well, ever. In adult life, anywho.

    - I was in Bristol on May 6th, so I couldn't vote. I was totally gutted. However, Aylesbury has been Tory since 1924 and it was, once again, a landslide victory for them. So my vote actually wouldn't have changed anything. I'm feeling fairly positive about the coalition anyway.

    - My parents think I'm probably a lesbian because I care about gay rights. /Crazy.

    - I've lost a bit of weight and I'm feeling happier about how I look. But there's still a lot to be done. It's 10 weeks until my cousin's wedding! Ahhhh. I'm also very excited for that though! I want a sensational dress if possible.

    - There's a guy in Bristol who likes me. He asked me out to dinner. Well, in a fashion. I'm down there next week and I'm not really sure what to do. I don't want a relationship with him, for reasons I won't go into. BUT I never really have sex, for no good reason. So I'm thinking about it, plus I have a massive hotel room. So yeah. We'll see. I'll probably wimp out. Hmmm.

    - I now love sitting on Primrose Hill in the sunshine.

    - Last weekend I went to Manchester for the first time in AGES. It was so much fun, oh I miss it so. BUT my friend who lives there and the one who lives in Leeds are both moving to London by 2012, so YAY!!!!!! I better be there by then. Argh. Also, I was talking to a friend who's actually doing stand up comedy in Manchester and she gave me loads of advice about getting into it, so I'm mulling that over with some cinnamon.

    - Knee meet soon. Scary. I'm thinking about a maxi dress. I wonder if anyone else is thinking about what they'll wear? Unlikely.

    - I might join the Guardian's dating thing.

    - My friend's in Japan on holiday and I'm very jealous.

    - I <3 Matt Smith.

    - Congrats Ramar.

    - Power to the people.

    - Lol @ Adam Boulton. SACK KAY BURLEY.

  2. Although it's the next constituency along from me, I find the situation in Buckingham quite troubling. John Bercow is running to be re-elected as Speaker and as such, is running unopposed by the ''main parties''. A convention I really don't understand. He is being opposed by Nigel Farage, former leader of the UKIP party. But I can't see him as a real alternative, from what I've seen, he's an incompetent waste of space.


    Hilarious. But still, tragic.


    So in Buckingham you can vote for the house-flipping John Bercow, Numpty Nigel Farage, the BNP or some unknown independents. Democracy?

  3. Bristol is awesome! I've been working in the BBC offices there for the last two weeks and will hopefully have another job starting Monday if all goes well.


    Hoping to move there in a few months.

    Fingers crossed for the other job! You'll have to tell me where to go and what to see!! :smile:



    This made my day (I'm guessing only 2 people might appreciate it)



    How good am I with Paint, wowzas :P

  4. I'm going to Bristol for 3 (possibly 4) weeks over the next couple of months. It'll be during the working week staying in a hotel, all expenses paid and chauffeur driven to and from (taxi :P). I'll be working down there, but I'm still excited. I've heard Bristol is awesome. It'll be like I'm in Skins series 1. Except older, uglier, and less fucked up.


    I really hope the hotel has a gym and free wifi. Or I will feel sorrow.

  5. I went to Leeds for my friend's house warming party. Some things that happened:


    * It took me 6 hours to get there because someone stepped in front of the train ahead of us and presumably died. When I got to Leeds station, I fell over on the platform breaking two bottles of wine and a bottle of gin...everywhere.

    * At the party, a tall hot lesbian was trying to kiss me most of the night. In a funny and non creepy way. I could not be turned though.

    * There was a danceoff. An amazing dance off.

    * I had an argument with someone who stated that all taxes pay for is the immigrants living in the UK. I think they'd been reading the Daily Mail too long.

    * Everyone was drunk and lots of people (mainly women and gay men) were groping my breasts. I didn't really mind, the most sex I've had in ages.

    * The end of the night was a mass massaging session and my friend gave me the best massage ever, I was melted on the floor by the end.

    * The very end of the night involved singing shite 90's pop songs.

  6. The Hurt Locker


    Awesome. It grates me a bit that the film has won awards/nominated awards for editting. Certainly the editors show competence at it, but....yeah. Dunno. Didn't detract from the experience though. Amazing movie.



    Loved this film, think it deserves all the praise and awards it's receiving. So glad Odeon brought it back for a week, was stunning on the big screen.

  7. Really annoyed that I only lost 1 pound this week despite having been in the gym 4 times and giving up chocolate/desserts/sweets for a period that happens to coincide with Lent. Yes, I binge drank on Saturday, but I was drinking gin and slimline. ARGH.

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