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  1. Hey guys. I've managed to make videos of ALL 32 Expert Staff Ghost replays - http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=30E719D8F9559A3A For more details on how to unlock them and unlock times, check out http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=942008&topic=42526151
  2. Anyone got any pictures?
  3. Tempted by the Birmingham one. So if you dress up there is a chance you'll get a free game? My mate has a full Mario costume which I could borrow for the evening. Thing is I don't want to put in all this effort to be in the store for 5 minutes and pay an extra fiver when I could order it from Gameplay and get it for the same price and get it that morning. :lol:
  4. Am I the only one that things the graphics actually look decent?
  5. Excellent, thank you friend.
  6. *waits* I'm revising about Ecosystem Engineers to pass the time.
  7. A large blue delivery van pulled out in front of my house, and I was like "YES! IT'S HERE!" then the driver asked my next door neighbour for directions. =/
  8. I think the Wii comes with 250 and Wii Sports comes with another 250, making up the normal amount. The Zelda case looks so damn awesome, not opening it until I actually start playing though!
  9. I've got Zelda, no Wii yet. Thing is I've got to go out do work as soon as I get it until 3PM, gonna be hell.
  10. Date Time Location Tracking Event 07-12-2006 23:32 Birmingham South Depot Out for delivery 07-12-2006 22:24 Birmingham South Depot Arrived at delivery depot 07-12-2006 18:56 National Hub Sorted in hub Strange time to be out for delivery, but as long as I get it today then that's fine.
  11. My Wii is in the Birmingham South depot right now. Should be here tomorrow.
  12. Yay! Amazon have put both Zelda and the Wii at 'Items dispatching soon'. :D:D dvd.co.uk are still holding out with Wii Play and the RGB Cable mind, but as long as I get the Wii Friday is all that matters.
  13. Amazon are working on Zelda. Wii is still preordered mind.
  14. Remember that it's 24 hour, they might be selling from midnight too. *EDIT* I think that was the plan mind. >_> *EDIT*
  15. Just north of Birmingham.
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