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Posts posted by Grazza

  1. Last year I decided to watch the 1992 version of Aladdin for the first time ever.  I was a little bit too old to be its target demographic at the time, but I really fancied seeing what I'd missed.  It got me thinking - what would you ask for if you really were granted three wishes?  Assuming I'm not allowed any trickery such as wishing for infinite wishes, I'd still try to make my requests as efficient as possible and combine related things into one wish.  For example, I think I'd ask for:


    1) Perfect health forever.  Immune system, joints, bones, hormones, any deterioration repaired - absolutely everything that could be classified as good health.


    2) Perfect body.  In line with my own DNA and design.  I wouldn't want a different hair or eye colour, or a bigger bone frame than I'm meant to have, but I'd like to be as muscular as possible for the frame I've got.


    3) Invincibility and immortality.  To never be able to be defeated or killed.


    There are some other things I'd like such as super strength and a massive mansion, but with those core things I think you could achieve anything further you wanted.


    What would you wish for?

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  2. I'm not sure where to put this, but I finally completed Sega Ages Wonder Boy: Monster Land last night (which is the arcade original).  Not a great one, to be honest.  The funny thing is, I accidentally looked at the Master System version on YouTube when I was trying to find a guide for the maze at the end of the game, and it actually looks like it might be better.  Perhaps I will get the Anniversary Collection after all.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Ashley said:

    I want you to try and pay for the Animal Crossing Lego with fish. I brought a game with bananas once so it could happen!


    I once had to help get rid of thousands and thousands of bananas because my boss accidentally put a zero on the end of the order.  You probably could pay for Lego with those.

  4. Animal Crossing Lego could be absolute genius.  Imagine having a house you could kit out with Sleek furniture, or turn it into a pirate ship theme with the Gullivarrr theming.  Or a museum where you could recreate the dinosaur fossils.  Everything about the game lends itself to model making and escapism.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, bob said:

    Spider-Man 2 - Cannot wait to play this. Unfortunately, I don't have a PS5, but this is the game that will get me to buy one. The whole thing just looks fantastic.


    Is that similar to the GameCube/PS2 game of the same name?  That was excellent, by far the best open world game I've ever played.

  6. 11 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    Oh snap, that's this year!? Add that to my list.


    Yep, 1st December for USA and Europe!



    Consider taking the plunge on Wonder Boy Collection at 30% off. That developer isn't known for deep discounts, so you might be waiting a while otherwise.

    (Make sure you get the pricier 6-game, 21 version one, it's Wonder Boy, so even the collection is bloody confusing!)


    Cheers.  It complicates matters for me that I only really want the two Mega Drive games - Wonder Boy in Monster World and Monster World IV.  Combined with the Lizardcube version of Dragon's Trap, I think you have the best three there.  On that basis I should probably just get the 2022 release (Wonder Boy Collection), but it's psychological, isn't it?  You don't want to get the lesser version.

  7. Dragon Quest Monsters, without a doubt - cannot wait for that one.  Almost certainly Sea of Stars (the demo was good).  And I hope MythForce turns out to be as good as it looks, because the art style is perfection.


    I'm also on the lookout to pick up Chained Echoes, Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection, Final Fantasy Pixel RemastersWonder Boy Anniversary Collection and possibly Double Dragon: Rise of the Dragons.

    • Thanks 1
  8. The main things I'd like:


    • No drift.
    • Allow wired connections without Bluetooth.  If I have an arcade stick connected to the Switch by a wire, which is connected to the TV by a wire, why does Bluetooth have to be enabled?
    • Keep the hybrid functionality.  Obviously it's going to be more powerful, which is great, but I still want it to be useable as a handheld.
    • Backwards compatibility.  I must have bought Final Fight five times now!  I don't want to buy it again.
    • Thanks 1
  9. When I see stories about Johnson plotting with others to make a new party, I think "Good, split the vote".


    It's pretty disgusting, really, the damage they have done to this country and they're squabbling about the "Honours" list.  Honour!  I am not a vengeful person, but I don't think we can move on until the right people are punished.  And we haven't forgotten about the WhatsApp messages either.

  10. Good riddance to the worst prime minister the UK's ever had.  Hopefully one day we'll see him rotting in prison.  In the meantime, at least we don't have to listen to any more of his nonsense.  Alexander "Boris" Johnson - liar, criminal, narcissist.  History will view him as the country's biggest-ever traitor.

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  11. 4 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

    I'm not sure I'm understanding this game, you have a team, and go through a maze in squares? I know this was done in days of old... Is there a story? I can see this gimmick'ing for one game, but thrice and more? I'm truly baffled here


    You have a guild, which can have as many members as you want, from several available classes - Landsknecht, Alchemist, Medic etc.  You pick five of these and go through a labyrinth which is effectively on a sheet of squared paper.  There's story, which gets revealed to you along the way, but a lot of it is about interpretation.  As for more than one game, well, it depends how much you like it.  Personally, I got a bit tired of it by the 6th one (Nexus), but it's fundamentally a good series.

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