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Posts posted by altheman

  1. ...It came out on the PS1 and he's already played it...very good game, though not one of the best...


    Doh.. didnt notice, my bad. Grandia came out on the Saturn in Japan in 1997 and it was ported to the PS1 and released in US & Europe in 1999. I used to have Vagrant Story, it was quite a difficult game but rather impressive technically for the PS1, I got stuck on a boss battle fairly early and gave up.

  2. Hard to pick one album but I've narrowed it down to six.


    Oasis - Definitely Maybe

    The Stone Roses - Self-titled

    Arcade Fire - Funeral

    The White Stripes - White Blood Cells

    Brendan Benson - Lapalco

    Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights

  3. The lack of out-of-the-box DVD player functionality isnt as important as it was back in 2000 when the PS2 came out, I wont be buying one of these dongles. Pretty much everyone has a DVD player now, especially as you can walk into any supermarket and get a one for 20 odd quid which does Multi-region, Dolby, MP3 CDs, JPEG etc.

  4. I think the some of the worst games I've ever played are...


    - Rise Of The Robots - terrible, buggy, overhyped, broken beat-em-up, I feel pain when I play it, it really is that bad. There was a sequel called Rise 2: Resurrection on the PS and Saturn, which is apparantly as bad.


    - Shaq Fu - Another crap beat-em-up, this time with a Shaquille O'Neal license.


    - Soul Fighter - Crud Golden Axe clone with some of the worst graphics on the Dreamcast.


    - Sonic Heroes - Possibly the worst Sonic game I have ever played (although I have not tried Shadow the Hedgehog).


    Although I havent played it, I belive ET on the Atari 2600 is considered the worst game ever made, which is backed up by the legend that Atari buried 5 million or so copies in the New Mexico desert.

  5. I've been meaning to pick this up for awhile, but I've never quite got around to it. How is it?


    'Tis quite a good album, my favorite tracks are probably "Ladyflash", "Get It Together", "Bottle Rocket" and "Huddle Formation". It only cost me 7 odd quid from HMV and It's the newer 2005 version with 2 bonus tracks and some samples changed round (to get the album released in America they had to remove quite a few samples to avoid copyright infringement). I had heard the original 2004 version beforehand and it sounds quite different.

  6. Last few CD's I've bought...


    The White Stripes - Self-titled

    Muse - Origin of Symmetry

    The Go! Team - Thunder, Lightning, Strike

    The Arcade Fire - EP

    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Mothers Milk


    I will definitely be buying the new Chili Peppers album, Stadium Arcadium in May along with the Raconteurs (Jack White/Brendan Benson) album which is coming out around then as well.

  7. My two picks of the year...


    Arcade Fire - Funeral (best album I've heard in years)

    Fischerspooner - Odyssey (which sold about 5 copies)


    In Your Honour was a bit of a disappointment, the acoustic disc started to grate after about 3 or 4 listens, although Best Of You, DOA and Deepest Blues are Black are pretty good.
