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Black Diamond

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Everything posted by Black Diamond

  1. Why is everyone sounding like a press release? So the Wii "captures social gaming"? And casual and core gaming are proper categories. A casual game in my eyes is one that doesn't really require any skills beyond basic reading/writing/movement. A core game is one that does require practice and mastery in order to complete it. Really, my only issue with the core games is Nintendo seem to actively try and water them down into casual games, for that extra $$$ casual gamers can bring. Wario Land on Wii is the perfect example of a core game bastardised with casual controls. It's a good game, I'm about 2 hours into it, but it makes me irate.
  2. It is unfortunate you need to jump to unprofessional conclusions about people. I haven't even posted more than a dozen posts, none vindicating Nintendo with any malicious intent, yet I'm already being prejudiced against. By the staff. Again, more accusations by people who I thought would have more restraint. No, I'm not a Nintendo fanboy, but it's really not your business to be TELLING me I'm not. And you just assumed I'm a Microsoft or Sony fan, because I don't wax lyrical over my love for the Wii. Can't I just be a fan of great games?
  3. My observation is Nintendo is more family-orientated gaming (games made for everyone, that aren't adult, too complicated or controversial, aside from the odd game here and there), where as Microsoft and Sony are for more niche/mature titles. By nature, core gamers tend to sway towards these niche/mature titles. Almost every core Nintendo game has some sort of animated cartoon style, and easy controls like shaking the Wii Remote. That's not appealing to everybody, like those that substitute gaming for the laid-back cinema experience.
  4. I agree with you, Nintendo games have an unrivalled polish to them. And Mario Galaxy is the best game of this generation. But I still think MGS is the better developer/publisher this generation. Sony is the worst. I own all three systems, I have all the major/highly recommended titles on all three, including half that list posted above, I'm allowed to voice my opinion (although I'm rather stupid doing that in a Nintendo forum).
  5. Cool, thanks.
  6. Not quite. Out of the six divisions that make-up Microsoft Game Studios, only Lionhead and Rare are acquisitions. The other four are original first parties created by Microsoft. All six are 100% owned by Microsoft. This has nothing to do with sales. I remember reading 7 out of 10 MGS games fail to sell over a million. It hasn't stopped them producing more titles. Although you do raise a valid point. Nintendo is selling the most by far, so why are they not investing more in "hardcore" games? They've got the biggest market share, surely they'd sell more. Remedy Entertainment, Bungie Studios, BioWare, Artoon, The Whole Experience, Epic Games, Ensemble Studios, Silicon Knights, Square Enix, Blueside, Screenlife, Mistwalker, Bizarre Creations, Q Entertainment, From Software, Capcom, Sega, iNiS, Team Ninja, K2, Hudson and Realtime Worlds. I'm sure there are probably more.
  7. I'm not going to list Microsoft games because I don't care enough to get that involved. But I ask you, how many complaints have you ever heard about Microsoft not caring about their core gamers? Very few. And that's because they invest not only in making their own first and second party games, but in outsourcing to third parties, essentially ensuring their consumers are always satisfied year round. If Microsoft have a solid idea, but not enough resources to produce it, they get someone else on-board immediately (as opposed to Nintendo's We'll Wait Until Our Schedule Frees Up™ approach). These aren't everyday, run-of-the-mill, mediocre titles. These are quality games, that Microsoft churns out monthly. Don't get me wrong, I think Nintendo is very noble in trying to broaden the gaming audience, but should they really be exhausting their own resources in making these "casual" games? Does Wii Fit really need to be a first party game? Why not second party? And why doesn't Nintendo invest more in co-productions with other developers, so us "hardcore" gamers have no reason to complain?
  8. Reading these posts, I don't believe the people who say Nintendo is the best game developer this generation. That award goes hands down to Microsoft.
  9. At the very end of that interview, the producer says there'll be a mysterious character in the game for the fans. They then spoiled it by showing a very short clip of that character in some sort of water. I'm just guessing it's Jill, because of the reference made to her earlier in the trailer. It could be Claire for all we know (or even Leon, with girly eyelashes). We'll find out at E3 - I'm guessing Chris is in Africa to find this missing person. There's also speculation on the game feature two campaign modes. Again, we'll probably find out at E3.
  11. They'd have to scale back on the textures and crowds for the Wii port. This game will have hundreds of enemies on-screen at once.
  12. I like the look of the game, but I think they should have renamed it something else. Doesn't strike me as much of a platformer!
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