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Black Diamond

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About Black Diamond

  • Birthday 06/07/1988


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  1. To be fair, she is a gamer, just probably not RPGs. Her Twitter has said she likes SMG.
  2. Yes, but no mainstream film or TV show is as violent and grotesque as MW2's controversy.
  3. Yes. There is something wrong with society. That's the point. In areas where education is a shambles, the concept of family is non-existent, and social norms is a free-for-all, a game like this can be greatly influential. Yes, they are few-and-far-apart, but they still exist, and there is great subconscious demand for direction and objective. A large part of corporate and social responsibility is taking the moral high-ground, and not pandering to demand when it will result in a lower quality of life. If Activision was being responsible, it would recognise that this game will inevitably be sold to/played by consumers way below their official target audience, and that some of those children will be easily swayed. The entire issue stems from society's flaws: if social factors were better, there'd be no issue with a hyper-violent game. Manhunt 2 wouldn't have been banned. But that's not the case, and video gaming is an easy and justified target, because it's not helping to address these social issues, it's actually adding to them. It also doesn't help when people like yourself undermine social change, as if the issues aren't be addressed. They are, but it takes a lifetime to implement, and you most likely don't recognise the social changes, as they are gradual. The campaign against unnecessary video game violence (the legitimate campaign, not the Fox News crap) is not a conflict of interest with social responsibility, it's actually a surplus agenda, that doesn't detract from TPTB's resources or time.
  4. Trivial? This is a massively relevant subject, because it directly addresses the following concerns: - Does the immersive/interactive nature of video gaming make it more influential over its consumers than other media, like movies, TV, music, etc? - If so, should immersive/interactive media be regulated more thoroughly?
  5. By the end of the year, I promise you that you will. To be fair, I don't expect everyone to agree with the concept of responsibility in the media industries, especially individualists and freedom-of-speech enthusiasts. But if responsibility practices and policies didn't exist, the arts, culture and society would be polluted with filth and extremism.
  6. It is actually disgusting, and not only a PR disaster for Activision in the long-run, but a massive setback for gaming. Expect high-profile criticism to come from influential figures in the industry, because it's silly decisions as big-scale as this that will lead to mandatory censorship in gaming.
  7. Oh please, it's not that hard to put it into context, we've all seen 24:
  8. I'm talking about the spoilers:
  9. I'm not sure I understand your logic. 1) The game is one of the biggest selling games of this generation. Lots of people bought the game, so naturally there will be more pre-owned copies that other titles. 2) Once you complete the game, there's not much more for general audiences to do (you know, the type of people who don't replay games or desperately seek unlockable modes). So people trade it in. Well, reboot or sequel, I doubt it'll appear on Wii. If Wii can't handle Resi 5, how could it possibly handle a technically more advanced title?
  10. Despite bullshit like this marvellous article,* my friend has just emailed me an internal Capcom memo: they expect the PC version of Resi 5 to sell between 800,000 to 1,000,000, and total Resi 5 sales to be between 6 to 6.2 million by fiscal-year's end. * Just to illustrate my point, here's a quote from N-Europe: Yes. N-Europe say Resident Evil 5, with its 85.5% Metacritic average, and sales of 5 million copies to date, making it the best selling Resident Evil game ever, had a "less-than-stunning response"...
  11. Unless these games get a facelift, they're better off as XBL/PSN titles.
  12. Considered doing the same a few weeks ago, but between LPB, Infamous and Sims 3, don't think I can be bothered...
  13. Love it. The key difference is you control the entire neighbourhood during a single game session, not just an individual family. The workplace is also integrated. It's not really a revolutionary step up from Sims 2, but it makes the game more fun and energetic.
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