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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. What about the 2 who said the thread about light bulbs is gay, and the 5 who said they are gay for saying the thread about light bulbs is gay?
  2. Favourite FPS Weapon

    Reaper- Perfect Dark ^_^ (well, I think thats it anyway) also, any mines, especially in Timesplitters 2. You can't beat a good old straight out mines deathmatch.
  3. Intensive Care

    ... That's logical.
  4. At the moment

    Playing- Banjo Tooie Listening- Donovan-Atlantis Watching- nothing, really.
  5. Maybe not then, but Nintendo will bound to steal a fair bit of Microsofts thunder by revealing screenshots just before the 360's launch, and if they do, then good for them.
  6. The best idea for Nintendo is to release the info. a week or two before Xbox360 launch, which will piss all over it's hype and steal the front cover of all the magazines.
  7. Recommend me some music, breres.

    You seem to have an interest of bands back in the 60's or 70's, so may I recommend The Eagles, The Kinks, The Velvet Underground, Jimi Hendrix, and possibly The Animals
  8. The greatest moment in games

    The revelation in KotOR, and the twist in Jade Empire^^ You just have to love Bioware.
  9. Who's line is it anyway?

    Ah, I loved this show when it was on TV in the 90's, especially back in the days of Paul Merton. Then Hat Trick sold out and moved to America, then Drew Carey almost ruined it, but Ryan and Colin (and to a lesser extent, that Wayne Brady guy) still bring in the laughs.
  10. Why you hate GAME

    I don't mind my local GAME shops either. They are generally nice and knowledgable. My only beef with them is that they charge £30 for pre-owned games as old as up to a year and a half, but I usually go elsewhere for pre-owned games.
  11. How much would you pay

    £0-40, same as this gen, and last gen. Shouldn't be any differant because Nintendo are trying something differant.
  12. Underrated Inventions?

    The door. It gets hardily any credit, yet, it has saved lives, stopped break ins, given people a higher level of privacy, makes sound that little bit quieter from the outside, keeps in warm air, The list goes on.
  13. 007 Daniel Craig

    Ioan Gruffud would have been a better choice.
  14. Death

    I always believed in re-incarnation after death. I'm bound to get some funny looks, but to me seems the most logical outcome. It does seem to have a balance on the universe as well. Read up on Buddhism for more detail. No special funeral requests. Feed my corpse to the elephants for all I care. As for a song, like above don't care, though I wouldn't mind Don Henley giving a speech at my funeral ^^. I don't know how I would like to die, maybe of something which will puzzle the police, autopsy guys, everyone. Yeah, something like that. Edit: P.S. Nice to see positive thread titles are back :P
  15. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    5. Pokémon: The First Movie The More the Merrier The Englishman who went up a hill and came down a mountain The Man who Wasn't There The Man who Knew Too Much and, just to be sure... The Mole People
  16. Football Season 05/06

    I disagree with that. I think Beckham is one of the few England players who has preformed well recently. Rooney, too, surprisingly. The rest need a good kick up the arse, with Sven. In other news, England qualify for the World Cup, no matter what happens on Wednesday.
  17. Nextgen Zelda - First Person?

    Well, if the FP idea was just used in dungeons, I think it might be pretty good. I'd be intereseted in what the puzzles and bosses would be like and all, though there may be a problem using the boomerang, because we don't want to be throwing our controllers around are rooms (assuming that the motion sensor is used to direct how Link's items are used). Anyway, as we seem to be adding rumours about the new LoZ now, I might aswell input something. The next-gen zelda will be Zelda DDR, and you have to outdance Ganon to defeat him. What do you think of that rumour?
  18. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    Good enough. Point claimed. That went fairly quick. Maybe I should have put some thought into the questions. Anyway, next man please...
  19. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    1,2,4,6,8,9,10 all claimed Though, Dukkadukka, you got part of the question correct, however, you have to state where the Carrousel was to get the point. Sorry.
  20. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    Yep. Both correct so far.
  21. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    My ten... 1. "You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away. A man is not a piece of fruit!" What play/novel did I get this famous line from? Claimed- Meik 2. What is the last song on the The Eagles' "Hotel California" album? Claimed- Oli1983uk 3. "Mommy has bussums like those." Which simpson character said that? Claimed- Raining again 4. What are the four noble truths? Claimed- Bowser57 5. Which C-E and probably R-E member just won't budge from our former XSOrbit based board (C-E)? Claimed- Blackfox 6. What was the first music video to be played on MTV Europe? Claimed- Platty 7. In J.D Salingers 'Catcher in the Rye', where does the last scene in the book take place, and what next to?Claimed- Dukkadukka 8. What is a Komondor? Claimed- zatoichi 9. When was the last time a referendum was held, open to the entire UK, and what was the % turnout? Claimed- Haver 10. Who are the two optional AI companion characters on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic? Claimed- Cheapshot
  22. Ronnie Barker, dead.

    'tis a sad day for comedy.
  23. Your fav poem!

    Hitcher, by Simon Armitage
  24. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    2. Don't suppose the answers 2 then? :/
  25. Return of the Great CE Quiz!

    2. Well, I'm not sure if we all agree on when you offically become obese, but I'll say 1.