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Posts posted by gARYgREATIE*

  1. Right, I've had it with all this talk of young cool bands and festivals. People seem to have forgotten about real music. I'm talking obviously about Hall and Oates. I don't want to discuss it, just for everyone to realise greatness in it's purest form.


    Go and listen to it now!

  2. Haha, I know I know, :heh:, it's like some of you (I mean some girls have it as well) have no filter between your brains and mouth, it's unfortunate really.


    Yeah, mad unfortunate. I'm holding out for a girl who finds it somewhat endearing. That'll take a while methinks.

  3. I'm starting to think that maybe I should start liking women, at least they don't put their foot in it without realising, or maybe join the asexuals, lord knows I'm sick of it all :)


    Urrm I think you'll find that the foot in it is a pretty common method of modern love for many a young man. I'm the king of it. It's not like it's intentional, it's just that we're all goons. Have pity.

  4. ooh nice. saw him a while back now myself. Utterly astonishing.


    in other news: just bought myself Graceland by Paul Simon. One of my all time favourites. I only ever had it on tape though so I decided to grab it off itunes.


    But I only own Graceland on tape as well. It seems like the right thing, I don't want to listen to it on any other format, I'll just whip out the coke can walkman.

  5. hmm, i feel obligated as its my hometown 151559__springsteen_l-1.jpg

    But I'm moving down to London at the beginning of september. I can come back for it but is there any chance people would wanna just do the end of august instead whilst most people are still on holiday? Just a suggestion


    also for anyone going from london or leicester or i think derby aswell i'll double check, you can get the mega train to sheffield for mad cheap in advance.



    do it, doo itt nowww!!
