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Everything posted by navarre

  1. From the BBC. So, that guy who killed quite a few people is now threatening the EU, an organisation with the most powerful and greatest spy services in the world? Is there no end to his (sorry, its) idiocy? And what infuriates me is that Muslims expect Islamic law to apply to the west. We can speak freely however much we like in our own nations, thank you Mr Tosspot.
  2. Nineteen Eighty-Four

    This is, without a shadow of doubt, a great book. It is my personal favourite of all time. The pessimism of it, the depressing ending... everything is just class. A masterpiece. So, have you read it? And if so, what are your thoughts on it?
  3. Nineteen Eighty-Four

    It took me a while to work out that Big Brother doesn't actually exist, and that Oceania is very possible the only super-state. Eurasia and Eastasia don't exist.
  4. Nineteen Eighty-Four

    The film version ruined it somewhat for me, for one main reason- Room 101. It was no-where near as white or as big as I pictured it to be. Hopefully the 2009 version makes Room 101 truer to the text. But yeah, the film was a good adaption.
  5. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    Sorry mate, got a bit irate there. Had you used a more suitable word than 'spin-off' I wouldn't have flamed you.
  6. Nineteen Eighty-Four

    Exactly. To have a book make you feel like that is a great experience in itself. Animal Farm is also great. I prefer nineteen-eighty four, but Animal Farm is just a classic.
  7. How was your day?

    We had a day off today, so I decided to spend it doing nothing whatsoever.
  8. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    I was taking him up on the statement about Christianity and Islam being spin-offs of Judaism, despite being entirely different and bigger religions. Maybe christianity originated from Judaism, but it is not a spin-off.
  9. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    I'm sorry, do you ever stop talking crap?
  10. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    For starters, there's the 20-odd gospels that didn't make it to the Bible. Then, you've got Jesus as an important figure in different religions, like Islam for example. I may post more later, can't really be bothered right now.
  11. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    Yes, plenty.
  12. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    I'd say that Jesus most certainly existed. Whether you believe Him to be the son of God, a raving lunatic or a wise-man is purely your choice.
  13. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    Its irrelevant whether you're an aethiest or a Christian, believe me when I say- he existed. Cheers mate. What infuriates me is these so-called Christians who believe in God, and expect everyone else to due to them not knowing anything but christianity. To be a Christian, open-mindedness is an essentail requirement. And Easter was originally Pagan, true. I thought we stole it from somewhere else, but I couldn't quite remember where.
  14. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    It was part of my upbringing. Don't get the wrong idea, not all Christianity is enforced upon children. As I've said already, I've looked at both sides of the argument, and ultimately made my mind up myself. My life isn't easier because I'm a Christian- but it is certainly better.
  15. Unpopular, hated tosspot comes back

    Thats my point- the West doesn't abide by Islamic law. If he were to go and disrespect Christianity and Jesus in some way, you can be rest assured that we wouldn't be fighting for possesion of bombs to kill him. And QFT about the small willie part.
  16. Unpopular, hated tosspot comes back

    Yeah, sorry, I realise now. He's becoming somewhat of a Youtube legend. What next? A 'Leave Muhammed alone' video?
  17. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    I believe its true because the inconsistancies pose little relevance to my belief. Of course, I don't believe the Bible word for word. I'll only ever stop believing when they find conclusive evidence that God doesn't exist. Which is impossible.
  18. Unpopular, hated tosspot comes back

    You do realise this is recent as in 'today'? he did it to mark Muhammed's birthday.
  19. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    Well, I did say enough. The Bible may have gotten a few dates wrong, but that's hardly going to change my view.
  20. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    The Bible wasn't designed to be credible. It wasn't written as history book. It was primarily used to display morals, tell the life of Jesus, and to make people's views optimistic. The few historical references it does contain are generally accurate (enough). And Charlie, are you a Christian?
  21. American patriotism

    I have yet to see a programme, movie or street in America that does not have the Stars and Stripes in it. The Americans have every right to be patriotic, but I think this is a bit ridiculous. American schoolchildren, regardless of nationality, are brought up to think that America is the greatest country in the world. Patriotism is all well and good (I'm sorta half patriotic myself), but don't you think this is a bit out of hand?
  22. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    1) That's your opinion. 2) I understand that old ideas aren't always valid. But that wasn't the point I was trying to get across.
  23. User Image Gallery

    Finally, some common sense in this thread. I swear in ten years that toad will have its own religion.
  24. Vicar attacked by Muslims

    Buddhism doen't abide by either a very old book or a voice in the head. I'm currently studying RS, and believe me, I've heard the arguments for and against God hundreds of times. I been in plenty of debates regarding the situation, and won and lost many. When people refer to the Bible/Quran etc as an 'old book', its generally to make the text in question sound any less less valid or the person in question's opinion sound more valid.
  25. pdhq21

    Happy birthday.