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Everything posted by Hero-of-Time

  1. Playstation Discussion Archive

  2. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Awesome pic Retro. Now find one of Baloo the bear!
  3. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Im so glad I took the day off work tomorrow....well today.
  4. Playstation Discussion Archive

    There will be no time for eating when Nintys conference is on due to the mass amount of typing. Also I will be afraid to choke with excitement. ITS LIKE THAT...............
  5. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Well they have won me over.
  6. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Not saying they will do it this year but Sony have a habit of lying at E3 to create a hype machine.
  7. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Its on..well some music is anyways.
  8. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Anyone else think that the price of the consoles could be more important than it has been in any other generation?
  9. Playstation Discussion Archive

    The graphical and technilogical capabilities of the machine.
  10. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Yeah im looking for a price of the machine too. I really wanna see R Evil 5 in action whether it be here or on the 360.
  11. Final Fantasy XIII

    Heres some pics of the game. http://uk.media.ps3.ign.com/media/826/826843/img_3578256.html
  12. Playstation Discussion Archive

    If they have stole the Wii controller idea then the delay could be because they are trying to come up with a decent excuse as to why they ripped them off
  13. Playstation Discussion Archive

    I just got Stay Tuned up on the screen. That the same for everyone else?
  14. Golden Sun could still be a launch title as its 1st party aint it? I know Camelot made it along with Shining Holy Ark on the Saturn which was another awesome rpg.
  15. Playstation Discussion Archive

    1 min away and counting
  16. OOOO Golden Sun I hope that there is a new version of that on the DS or Wii.
  17. Playstation Discussion Archive

    TESTIFY BROTHER!!!!!!!!! I hope and pray that they aint copied the controller. Im also hoping that they dont have a secret sucker punch and steal the show. Its going to be an intresting battle between Sony and Ninty this E3 as both have been really secretive.
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) new info!!

    Looks like he has been dieting! Personally after watching the trailer on Marketplace I aint that impressed. It looks like they have kept the same system as the Adventure games which IMO have never been that great. They need to take Sonic back to his roots without all of this rubbish with humans and vehicles running around.
  19. Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!

    I know, who knows what kind of 1st party games are going to be on offer.
  20. Marvel ultimate aliance wii screens

    Im curious Munky, is your sig quote in regards to the Sony press conference?
  21. To right, all that I need now is Skies of Arcadia 2 and I will be set for life.
  22. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Come launch aslong as Smash Bros is online that is the only game that I will need. Saying that after tonights announcements it looks like many a launch game will be bought, providing they launch in this country.
  23. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    *random streaker runs around the boards screaming just to add to the insanity*
  24. Wii Tennis

    Im not bothered how its going to look. Swinging the controller as a tennis racket has sold me.
  25. Wii Tennis

    Using the Wii controller as a racket is going to make this game hilarious.