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Everything posted by Mundi

  1. SIGN Petition For Pokemon MMORPG!!

    I second that motion
  2. it did? i don´t remember getting that when i got that game
  3. Revo spec rumours - but still just rumours

    a word of advice... don´t listen or get your´e hops up on rumours about the spec´s just wait til nintendo comes and says: Hey here are the specs for the NR
  4. predicting before the all of the consoles are out is just plain silly and the specs aren´t even out and we don´t even know all of the games on launch
  5. Call of Duty 2 demo!

    the demo is one part of an missions not the whole game so relax
  6. A new tought about controlling

    *claps for kav82 for good answers*
  7. IGN has gone Krazy

    man if that shell would came out the first i would to is buy it and a straw hat, some booze and a banjo and sit there all day screaming at the TV : GET OFF MY PROPERTY YA VERMIN
  8. User Image Gallery

    YOUR´E ALL A BUNCH OF FREAKS kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiding
  9. Dragonforce

    great band but it´s not nearly as chessy Rhapsody
  10. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    errrm 2/5 why? That pic scares me
  11. Next Gen Mario Art

    That picture scared me
  12. Funny Rev video

    http://revtruth.ytmnd.com/ found this it should be shown to every anti-rev people couldn´t stop laughing at it
  13. more rev info coming?

    i think they didn´t show games because theres something they haven´t shown us. But i can´t imagine anything i´m like out-surprised with the controller and can´t iagine anything else
  14. GOO LORD NO MORE POKEMON GAMES kiiiiiiidding but still there are to many pokemon games
  15. A Tad Premature, Perhaps?

    i don´t care what they name it i´ll still call it Revo or Revolution spite of it´s name
  16. Black and White 2 and revolution?

    i second that B&W game is fun for apout 2 days then it gets kinda samey
  17. first reaction was: stunned,confused, strangley aroused :happy:
  18. EDGE loves controller

    before i saw the revo controller i was trying to decide to either buy the 360 or ps3 and the revo with now i´ve lost every bit of interest in the 360 and ps3 all i can think of is how much i want the revo instead of the other consoles
  19. VGcats hates the controller

    when i read it on the vgcats site first thing i thought was what the hell is he doing checking out vibrators! (there was a link to a sex toy site where there was a vibrator that looked like the revo controller) did he look at the picture and think : hey that looks like a vibrator i´ve been checking out
  20. Any ideas on the cost of the controller?

    i doubt it will cost much. Didn´t nintendo said that they aim to make it cheap?
  21. Mockup adon thread.

    i really like the gun mock up i would want it black with a red inscription on the side that said "The Law"
  22. I concour let´s remember reality
  23. Thank god for nintendo

    it only looks like a remote but if you read more about it you realise it´s NOT tv remote, try to imagine using a controller like the revo with both hands at a a time it wouldn´t work thats why it´s one handed
  24. don´t know how to post pictures so í´ll say it THE ONE THE ONLY......................JESUS and his weapon would be hitting people with a cross :lmao: