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About VaatiKaiba

  • Birthday 06/28/1992


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  1. Hey. Your login details should now be working :)

  2. I'm looking to get some posters to brighten up my (otherwise quite drab) bedroom - but I can't seem to find many, if any at all! I'm looking for posters of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Metroid games (and more specifically the recent games from these franchises, eg Galaxy 2, Spirit Tracks, SoulSilver/HeartGold, Other M respectively), or Smash Bros Brawl. Does anyone know any good sites where these can be purchased? eBay and Amazon seem to be pretty lacking... Thanks!
  3. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good, reliable (and safe) sites for buying gaming t-shirts. I'm looking in for particular for Mario, Zelda, and Phoenix Wright ones. I know eBay is obvious, but I was thought there might be a wider selection somewhere else. Thanks!
  4. It's interesting, because according to the official site it's out, I read somewhere else the 16th, and another place the 18th!
  5. I'm just wondering - does anyone know when Ferrari Challenge is coming out for Wii? I can't find a concrete date anywhere, and I saw the DS version in Game today, but not the Wii one... Thanks!
  6. Well, there's Lylat Wars, SM64, Paper Mario... a few, if you want to put it that way... :p
  7. I've got £30 to spend, and I'm unsure of what to get. I've limited it down to two options - Endless Ocean and 1000 Wii Points, or Boom Blox. So, which should I get? Which is worth the money more? I realise BB is newer, but I'd like to know which will give me good value for my money... Thanks!
  8. Somone's probably recommended this already... Apple has software called iWork '08. It comes with Pages (like Word), Keynote (like PowerPoint), and Numbers (like Excel). These are able to both read and write the MS Office document types. They're really easy to use, and also a lot cheaper than MS Office. Hope that helps!
  9. That works perfectly, thanks so much!
  10. I've got the following CSS file: .text { font-family: sans-serif; color: black; font-size: 13px; } And I need to put something to change hyperlink colours. However, in the body section of the page, I have already used the link, alink, and vlink commands in the body tag. How can I change the hyperlink colour for just in the areas where that CSS is implemented? Thanks!
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