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  1. http://computerprices.pricegrabber.co.uk/search_attrib.php/form_keyword=/topcat_id=/page_id=13/lo_p=1000/hi_p=1500/Update_Results=Update%20Results/sortby=priceA Ive set the price range you stated and you can filter what specs/brand you want for your laptop on the left hand side of the page.
  2. I didn't do this one but it had to be posted in this thread:
  3. Or you could argue that the Tardis was in a locked storage room (hence the putting it into the back of a truck), where as all the Cybermen and Daleks were all in the open.
  4. If you've seen the Japanese film Ringu........
  5. Nope. You need a 939 socket motherboard for that (hence the socket name) You could probably find a no frills 939 socket motherboard for very cheap if you look around on the net.
  6. Micheal Ancel was not involved with Rayman 3.
  7. Go to the back at the room to switch on the electricity, this will then open the door. The electricity also electrifies the water so you will have to do a running jump along the wobberly metal floor to reach the safe part and then jump right into the small alcove with that spider thing in it. From there you can move along the ledge to reach the door.
  8. This was probably sourced from the ds.advancedmn.com interview with the bloke from SNK. He said that Metal Slug wont appear on 360 because of the 128mb limit on Live Arcade and it wont appear on the PS3 because Sony want a minimum resolution on games. SNK is in talks with Nintendo but Nintendo have only been asking about the SNK games that appeared on the NES and SNES not the Neo Geo ones.
  9. Like i said: all mp3 players play mp3 albums with the gaps inbetween each track. Unless you join all the tracks into one big mp3 file you will have gaps. This will occur with all Creative, Apple, iriver, conwon and samsung players.
  10. Thats why i didnt mention it. Anyone who wants to use Sonicstage and Craptrac must have some sort of sadistic tendencies in wanting to punish themselves.
  11. The Rio Carbon is a great player. 18 hours battery life and very good sound quality (if you use decent earphones) The controls and ui are very easy to use. Its great to be able to control the volume of the player while its in your pocket without having to look at the player. My favourite feature is that it requires no drivers or software to load the music onto the player: just drag and drop. Ive bought a 5gb and its till working after a dropped it a few times. £90 is a bargin for a 6gb Carbon. I paid £180 for a 5GB on launch day. Edit: if you do decide to buy it, you must download the latest firmware here: http://www.content-type.com/-469455718/rio.exe.htm It adds on the fly playlisting, folder navigation and reading of txt files. mario_jr all mp3 players have gaps inbetween tracks. Only the Rio Karma had gapless playback and sadly no mp3 player company has bought and used the chipset that the Karma had.
  12. The video kind of played back using Videolan.....but at the end it locked up my pc. Its just a clip of Sonic holding and flipping the Wii controller like in this picture: He looks at the controller and says: "finally something interesting", points at the screen, shooting a fireball with his hand, then a flame appears on his his chest, he then says "lets do it" and then runs towards the screen. Then the Logo appears.
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