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Status Updates posted by Jav_NE

  1. You owe me new retinas!

  2. Jav_NE

    Hey dude,


    Me and my g/f will be travelling to China later this year and wondered if i could ask you a question seeing as you're there?


    Do you take Malaria tablets? Most areas are low risk i know, but were doing this teaching programme and we could be placed somewhere like Jiangxi which is slightly higher risk. Docs say usually they wouldnt recommend it but we will be there for like a year and they seem to think that changes things.


    What do you reckon?


    Could you maybe find out if Doxycycline is available out there for me? I've tried searching on the net but to no avail. If we can get it cheap out there then that would be sweet as it costs a bomb here. We know we can get it cheap in Vietnam but, just thought i'd check how the situation was in China.


    Thanks mate, i appreciate it if you can help :)

  3. Forgotten what i asked now! Gossig Girl right? That's cool. Sucks they've had yet another break so soon after the previous one. I'm on American pace though so it should be worth it.

  4. Duh! Stupid me. There should be a reply button :p


    Yeah, i guess they are both in similar situations. So annoying, they're all so close tot he end of the season and they keep taking breaks!


    Whats up with Heroes too? I'm sure there was a break but i just saw episode 23 up this week? What happened to 22? =/


    Havn't checked it yet, it might just be named wrong but, seems fishy.
