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Everything posted by Meta_Omega

  1. Anime and manga discussion

    If you are aware of this, then why did you question his opinion with a "You serious?"? Would it make you feel better if he confirmed it? On an unrelated note, is there someone who can tell me whether this is true?
  2. Count me in aswell, unless you would have anything against it/me/whatever.
  3. Anime and manga discussion

    There is nothing merrier than comparing personal opinions. Lovely. It's the spell of shounen anime, get used to it. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, just that it exists.
  4. Anime and manga discussion

    It's just a trick, there's actually no spoiler in there. Jokes aside, would anybody recommend Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? I've seen the first episode, thinking that it would infact be about the main character's miserable life, but it seems like it will end up being the usual miserable guy meets random girl => happy go lucky. Is it as I fear it?
  5. Kingdom hearts - But with Nintendo Characters...?

    Don't mention it, I'm just happy to be helpful.
  6. Kingdom hearts - But with Nintendo Characters...?

    There's already a Kingdom Hearts with Nintendo characters. It's called Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  7. What's the worst thing that Nintendo have ever done?

    Guess who let USA exist in the first place.
  8. What's the worst thing that Nintendo have ever done?

    This is payback for our acts before the 20:th century, which in a way led to the abolishment of the samurais.
  9. Anime and manga discussion

    Holy hell, this post should be rewarded for being the most informative post in the history of the internet.
  10. Anime and manga discussion

    Actually, when you rate anime, you do it in comparison to Fist of the North Star. So if an anime was the best one you have ever seen, it's "not as good as the Fist of the North Star".
  11. Anime and manga discussion

    To quote Hellfire: ALL MY DICKS ARE CUMMING. I really have to go back to watching Hayate, considering how awesome it looks.
  12. Controller question

    Is it possible to fix the springs of the analogue stick? If so, does anybody know how to?
  13. Controller question

    Not yet, I had hoped somebody here would have some experience with this, so I wouldn't have to take it apart in vain.
  14. Anime and manga discussion

    No, what I meant was that he had thought that it was, and that he openly confessed it in a thread about anime that is not dedicated to DBZ.
  15. Anime and manga discussion

    Hahaha, oh wow. Sorry, but sheesh, that's quite the opinion to have (even if you are no longer of that opinion).
  16. Anime and manga discussion

    2x2 Shinobuden, Excel Saga, Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai, Jungle wa itsumo Hale nochi Guu.
  17. Anime and manga discussion

    How about you watch them on your computer? And if you've already gone through the trouble of aquiring the episodes and disregarding your social well-being, reading subtitles isn't that much of a problem. Finally, the general opinion is subs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dubs.
  18. Anime and manga discussion

    You have been reading this thread in the wrong way, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is what you should watch. Only 27 episodes long, but that's 27 episodes of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  19. Anime and manga discussion

    You see, nobody can withstand the awesome radiance of the great leader of the Great Gurren Brigade, Lord Kamina.
  20. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Are you maybe talking about the Contra series? It sure sounds like it, because the Metroid series is hardly that complicated. And as mentioned before, Normal is your fabled Easy mode, it's just called Normal. And: ... Why do you play games? And regarding your philosphy on weak and strong: Yeah, not giving up is strong, but overcoming the obstacles infront of you with the set limitations is stronger.
  21. Anime and manga discussion

    I wouldn't use these words, but yeah, I agree.
  22. Anime and manga discussion

    I can't. You have to convince yourself after watching it. If you meant that honestly: burn in hell, heathen. If not: there's one kid, and that's only for half of the series (15 episodes). I felt the same after seeing the first episode. Keep watching it.
  23. No More Heroes

    Yup, but if you want blood that bad, go kill a pedestrian or something, just to fuel the debate about vide game violence, you know.