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Everything posted by i_speel_good

  1. Yes. But, nintendo didn't even ask me for pics or anything! I guess being honest wins.
  2. Sorry for the double posting, but, this is crazy! Nintendo emailed me a new pin and it worked!
  3. All your base are belong to us : peace:
  4. CoD 2 Veteran All MGS on hardest difficulties Super Mario Land (ftw) Super Smash Bros. Melee (all trophies, arenas, characters)
  5. I recall Super Mario Land on the game boy and Pokemon BLUE also on the game boy.
  6. I'm ok at modelling, but I suck at UVW Mapping.
  7. I did email them there yesterday, no answer yet.
  8. On which of their emails!?!?!?!? T_T
  9. Neither. It should be on a scratchable card.
  10. Yeah, I was damn lucky I got to dl the browser on the last day. Also, the only pin I found on my wii box was Wii Sports' PIN... :/ Same with me. I DON'T WANNA LOSE MY STARZ
  11. Hell, for when they do. What to do?
  12. On 28 February, I bought a Wii. Yesterday, I finally got to going online. I downloaded Everybody Votes and Internet channel and had lots of fun. So, I wanted to get some virtual console games. Then, I find out you can buy points using stars from the Nintendo Europe site. I go there, and I realize that I have to input my Wii's PIN thingy to download points. Then, remembering an adventure of mine... My wii box doesn't have a pin card! I was like that. I tried going to their forums, but it seems that for the last, what, 10 days? They're offline and under construction (forums only) ARGHH! Now how am I going to get points?
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