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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Nintendo Conference Disscussion

    Sony got screwed, GTA on Xbox360 first and possibly exclusive aswell. So Sony will loose the Japanese market to Nintendo, and US to Microsoft and maybe loose EU aswell. Sony has lost big time so far this E3.
  2. Nintendo Conference Disscussion

    They said there'll be 27 Wii games on the showfloor tomorrow. So some of these may not even have been announced yet or shown in any form. Edit - Microsoft one shortly, hopefully Halo 3 and Fable trailers will be shown.
  3. Nintendo Conference Disscussion

    Expected price, launch dates and more on virtual console........oh well. WiiSports looked wicked, and the controller works so well with the tennis game from the looks of it. Starfox for DS aswell. Whoop whoop!
  4. Nintendo Conference Disscussion

    Yeh, that was it. They had that Perrin Kaplin women saying something aswell iirc. They've taken down the main site at the mo, and looks like it's not going back up until after E3, so I don't think these teaser vids will be happening at all.
  5. Nintendo Conference Disscussion

    Hey, I don't know if anyone remembers lastyears..........but shortly before the conference NOA's site had little roundtable vids with people inside Nintendo saying little hints at secrets. I don't know whether the same will happen this year, but it may be worth checking out shortly.
  6. Sonic Wild Fire

    >>Link<< Release in 2007. That is all. Mods - move this to the E3 discussion I suppose
  7. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Yes, the downfall looks like it's beginning. PSP is doing so badly at the mo, and where can it go if there's no decent games coming out for it in Japan. PSP = A Failure for sure
  8. Playstation Discussion Archive

    I think Sony has also fuct up their chances of being the dominent HD movie format with the ridiculous high prices of the hardware here. I'll be buying an Xbox 360 at the end of this year if the Halo 3 trailer is shown tomorrow. And they must be partying in Redmond with that high price of the PS3. I don't know how they can compete at Christmas if this yearly price drop that Microsoft mentioned actually happens. All I know is that I'll be buying a few PS3's purely for ebaying reasons.
  9. Playstation Discussion Archive

    After looking at more info on the controller, I'm not all that worried. Seems like it just detects whether the controller is leaning left, right, forward, back, up and down. And degrees of tilt can't be sensed either. So it's no Wi-mote, and I'd expect Nintendo knew something like this would happen anyway.
  10. Playstation Discussion Archive

    I hope they get cained in the press.........and I hope Nintendo really does give them some comments in front of massive audiences at 5-6pm today.
  11. Playstation Discussion Archive

    £300 for the console
  12. Playstation Discussion Archive

    The dream is over! Nintendo's last home console for sure;.
  13. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Here it comes arrrrgggghhh........
  14. Playstation Discussion Archive

    That card stuff was pretty interesting. Actually looked good.....congrats Sony.
  15. Playstation Discussion Archive

    They finished Tourist Trophy a few months ago Phil Harrison, stop lying!
  16. Playstation Discussion Archive

    If you're watching the free gamespot stream then you won't be able to notice anything, as the res is far too small to show any detail. Even the 720p people can't see it in it's full glory.
  17. Playstation Discussion Archive

    I'm seriously worried that they have some secret with thier controller..................I hope I'm wrong though.
  18. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Here's the interesting stuff!
  19. Playstation Discussion Archive

    There was like a 20 min delay in Nintendo's last year iirc.
  20. Lost Prophets, Nu metal band

    They've got a new album out soonish I know that. As I've seen some pre-release sleeves in work. Their first album was pretty good, but then they went scene with the second and got shat over.
  21. What ever happend to...

    I hope it never ever happens to tell ya the truth. Sonic having a place in Smash Bros is fair enough, any more of crossing into Mario's world will just cause disaster I rekon.
  22. Suggestions

    Yeah, I've noticed that aswell. Things are wizzing real quick and there's quite a few users online at the moment aswell.
  23. Suggestions

    All them boards are still viewable though if you know how! :wink: I don't know whether you can post in them though, as I haven't bothered to try as got no need.
  24. TIME magazine cover Wii!!!

    Nintendo will be showing tech-demos most likely like they did with the DS a few years back. So it's safe to say that they'll have that tennis example and others along with full blown games.
  25. E3 + RevoEurope = Overload?

    But both of your replies above won't stop the forums going down throughout like the last 2-3 years it has done. There's just too many page requests for the forums to cope with, hence why I said block guests for that period. But I'll personally just sit and watch the conference all the way through and not bother posting till it has finished.