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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Wii Gets Super Paper Mario

    No point making another thread, but from IGN's recent article of Wii games, that Donkey Kong Barrel Racing game has also been moved to Wii from the GameCube.
  2. Japan Event- General Chat

    Ahhh, makes sense now. I thought they were all related............although I wasn't sure you lot were that weird with your sexual pleasures! :p But the "sex on a full and empty stomach topic" is one I've never thought about tbh...........but I may give it some thought when the next occasion arises.
  3. Japan Event- General Chat

    So having sex with food while doing it on Lino flooring? 4-5am I rekon.
  4. Japan Event- General Chat

    Going to bed is tempting, but coffee and toast may also be a good alternative. Mite wake the rents up though.........
  5. Japan Event- General Chat

    Being cheeky huh! I'm not 100% sure who's providing the text updates for that link, but it I think it may be 1UP. So we're all safe.
  6. Japan Event- General Chat

    Firece_Link - Might want to edit the first post with this hyperlink, as this is where it'll be reported with updates. http://www.irwebcasting.com/060914/01/ That blog earlier in this thread is FAKE people
  7. Japan Event- General Chat

    It's all bullshit apparently. People are saying pics are from the June feed. Blog making a name for itself.
  8. Japan Event- General Chat

    Bad link! Blah blah.
  9. Universitay!

    I'll be starting at University of Hertfordshire on the 23rd doing 3d games art. I've got in contact with someone who is on the digital animation course from http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk. So we've been chatting on msn and stuff and we'll be living next door in halls rooms aswell. I've not concerned about not knowing anyone really, and because of being a few years older than most freshers, I'll most likely be less nervous than alot of other people who are around that 18/19 age..............but that may change when I get there. Here's the poster from the freshers fortnight at Hertfordshire. Looks like there's plenty going on. I'll def be seeing Hundred Reasons, and hopefully Live Dirty Sanchez if I get tickets.
  10. More 'proof' that the Wii will be $150

    Isn't $150 = roughly £80 or so. Bullshit for sure. Wii will noway be under $200. Suppose we only have to wait like 2 days to know what's really going on.
  11. Yakuza

    I finally got to play the demo, after grabbing a demo disc out of a mag. Well tbh, the demo doesn't really have enough in it to help you make a decision of purchase. I'm not too sure whether to bother or not now. With the Wii release, and the stupid amount of DS games coming out, I may just have to skip this...........or alternatively just pick it up for cheap on ebay in a few months. Hopefully peoples impressions from here next week may pursuade me to get it sooner than later.
  12. Merging partitions

    Brilliant. I'll look into it, as it's always frustrating seeing the C:/, then the rest of the Hard drive being the E:/. Although if it's too much of a hassle, I'll prob not bother. Cheers. (and haven't seen you round here for ages Piro, good to see you're still here)
  13. Merging partitions

    What really annoys me with Windows XP, is that a new installation of it cannot read drives of more than 130GB. So only once SP2 is installed will the rest of the Hard Drive be accessible. At the moment I've just left it as two partitions, with C:/ holding all installations (programs, game install's, etc) while the other partition has all my downloads and media.
  14. Yakuza

    I'll most likely play through it and sell it shortly after as there's far too much gaming goodness between now and the end of the year...........although if it exceeds my expectations then it'll be a keeper. Hopefully the release of Yakuza (and its sequel) will inspire Sega to put together a Shenmue compilation, and then release No.3 shortly after, as I remember some massive article about a year or so ago explaining that it was indeed being put together for a PS3 or 360 release................I cannot remember though whether that rumour was shot down at all.
  15. Yakuza

    You can pre-order it here at Gameplay for £24.99. Review scores are fluctuating a fair bit. Some places are scoring it around 9/10, while Gamespot for example gave it a 7.4 I believe (but who trusts gamespots reviews anyway). Most editorials are really only grading low because of the voice acting giving a bad aftertaste, as many people were pist about the removal of Eastern voice acting. This didn't put me off the original Shenmue though..........but once I got the chance to play its sequel you really do feel more absorbed with the Japanese voices. I think anyone who'd played both Shenmue's would agree with that statement. Sega have already announced a follow-up to Yakuza, which'll use mostly the same game assets as the first because of production costs. I don't feel the voice acting will be retained from the East for its sequel if it's actually released here.............but we can live in hope I suppose.
  16. Yakuza

    I'm going to extend my overdraft with the bank tomorrow (because of Uni), then lay down a pre-order on this badboy! It's the closest thing you'll get to Shenmue nowadays......like it was stated in the original post. You can't go picking up this game and expecting it to be Shenmue all over again..........as I don't think that was how it was intended. I've got a PS2 though, so won't be missing out. Yazuka's review score in Edge was a very nice 8/10, so I doubt many people will be disappointed with this title. And a certain somewhere has got its pre-orders up for £24.99.
  17. Phantasy Star Universe.

    Famitsu score is in 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 - (35/40) They did the review from the PS2 version. Seems like a must buy now really.............although I don't think I'll bother for a while because of the way my Uni halls blocks online games.
  18. I need a new TV for Wii!

    I would also like to here some more info on this panel if possible. Especially with regards as to using it as a PC monitor with programs like Photoshop and other media software. The price is really tempting though for what you get.
  19. Battalion Wars Wii (BWii)

    I'm pretty glad I sold my GC copy of Battalion Wars now. The new videos up on IGN are looking very good aswell. I just hope they make it easier to command the troops than how it was done on the GC version.
  20. My Gamecube is broke

    Leave it and wait out for the Wii like you originally said. I don't think it's worth it now going and spending £25 or so at Game or Toy's R Us (although that could depend on how much you play on your cube).
  21. Favourite video game music

    Shadow of the Colossus and the Shenmue soundtracks are probably two of the best over recent years. OOT was miles ahead for its time aswell. And Jet Set Radio is just well funky, so that also deserves a mention.
  22. I say they both suceeded in their PR then with gaining interest. Nintendo may not of been lying though, considering that Connect24 shit..........isn't Zelda ment to be using that in some form?
  23. Did anyone actually expect any titles to be online from day one? I definitely didn't!
  24. I need a new TV for Wii!

    Post up the results will ya once you receive it, as it would come in handy for me. Cheers.