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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I Put My Tree Up Already :P

    Wii day is half of Christmas for me. Getting the console and Zelda, but then giving Zelda to my parents so it can be given to me on Xmas day. Atleast I get the console and Wii Sports to play for that weekend. I'm at uni currently, so I don't know when our tree is going up at home. I wouldn't mind decorating our uni halls and stuff..............then have a Christmas party or something. Hmmmmm.........
  2. Yes, it is a strategy guide. And it's not Target exclusive, so you should be able to find it at most places.
  3. Wii: Wireless G?

    http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5345 And the answer is yes if you can't be bothered to click that link and have a little read.
  4. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    Think I may of thought the word negligible was talking about composite/RGB. My mistake. But yeh, what you said was pretty much what I was saying. 480p is not HD, it's EDTV. But I've never seen a HDTV that doesn't support 480p, so I would say your answer is yes.
  5. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    The difference between RGB and composite running on my GC/TV is massive. Composite is a mess compared to RGB, so I'm unsure as to whether Component would be alot better, except for having a prog scan image. Then again, picture results do depend on the hardware you're running on. And not all scart sockets support RGB btw. I have one that can receive RGB and one that's for S-video signals.
  6. Man Sells Ps3 For $0.99 On Ebay

    Well he doesn't have to. Surely he can just not send it, and get bad feedback instead.
  7. Two Weeks To Go

    I'm also playing through Ocarina of Time. Most likely the only game I'll be playing (PES always gets played aswell) between now and 8th Dec. Also got a fair amount of Uni work that needs doing.
  8. Blazing Angels?

    That's bullshit. ^ I wouldn't trust Choices UK either for release dates. It may of been moved to tbc, but the date they state there is just silly. Edit - Cancelled maybe? It's no longer listed on Ubi's website (although I don't know if it was there to begin with).
  9. Just saw MUSE live.

    Tuesday's Wembley gig was also much different to yesterdays by the sound of things. We got Sunburn, Butterflies and Hurricanes, and Knights of Cydonia as the last track played. I'll grab Tuesdays set list off the Muse forums later if I remember. But I did hear that the Wembley gigs would all be a little different from each other.
  10. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    Component is an analogue signal, and HDMI is digital like DVI. Think only HDMI can do 1080p aswell while component can't because of bandwidth.
  11. The Reviews Thread

    Lucky you. He's a right nobba.
  12. 2006 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - December 15th Please note that all Release Dates are subject to change Dates are taken from various sources both online & off
  13. Just saw MUSE live.

    I think Muse is quite a hate it or love it band really. I know plenty of people who just don't understand why I think they're so good. It's all about musical taste though. Megadeth don't so it for me though, but I love Children of Bodom. I saw Muse lastnite, and had an excellent time. It was a shame that the massive balloons only came out out the very end............you can never have enough of them things. Also Wembley Arena sucks for now being non-smoking everywhere. Hanged around the huge fountains aswell after outside Wembley, and there was plenty of laughs and people running through and stuff. Wish I could write more detailed impressions of Muse's show, but it's a gig that's quite hard to put into words.
  14. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    Cheers for posting that link up. There seems to be people looking into converting the composite into an RGB aswell, which would be useful to everyone really. That composite conversion into component is a state though. And with regards to 3rd party RGB cables with the cube, mine looked just as good as my official one. And that was a gold plated Gamester one I believe.
  15. The Reviews Thread

    Any news on who'll be doing the N-Europe review of Zelda:TP? Anything that reduces the gamerankings score won't go down well here I feel though.
  16. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    Like with the GameCube launch, you should be able to pick up 3rd party gold plated RGB leads with the audio block also on it if you want to make use of DPLII.
  17. Downloadable content question.

    I don't think the whole of Zelda:TP takes up more than 2Gb.
  18. Downloadable content question.

    It would get stored on the flash memory or any SD cards you may have. /thread.
  19. Official Issues and Problems Thread

    No. RGB can't do 480p, while component can. If you've got a TV with component inputs then use them. RGB uses the scart connection, but it's miles better than composite. Was hotswapping between them two this weekend with games like F-Zero GX and SSBM, and the difference is massive. Composite is a mess compaired to RGB.
  20. European Wii Preorders

  21. Gamespot gave zelda a 8.8

    Pointless thread, as it's already been discussed in the reviews thread like Mike mentioned a million times over. Or maybe this thread was just created to make more people bitch.
  22. Sonic the Hedgehog

    You're part of the problem.
  23. Wii Hardware Discussion

    It doesn't include the HDMI cable in the box either.
  24. Wow, that's a well good deal I must say. If only someone who worked at Game could have shared this information quicker. (hint hint)