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Petey Piranah

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Everything posted by Petey Piranah

  1. Anyone that was expecting any other characters other than possibly the Big Extra 5 that scored highly in Sakurais poll (i.e. Geno, Kyrstal, Animal Crossing Villager, Megaman and King K Rool, I excluded Ridley here as a result of being an SSE boss) were kidding themselves...
  2. It is indeed. Clones, now this... Save us almighty player!!!
  3. The nightmare lives on... CLONES!!! I thought they were truly gone...
  4. Not a good outcome that, but theres always next time I guess...
  5. ^-- Last time that resulted in a SSE video update. They're probably uploading new content, check in a few minutes...
  6. Sex education with Wii in schools would be an ideal learning environment. Sex Mii Up would be the name of the Wii exclusive education title. Mii integration would make it "friendly" for the classroom and not too explicit. The title would detail the various elements/processes of love making with gentle mini games to interactively simulate the art of sex through the wand of pleasure that is the Wii remote...
  7. Hanabi Festival 2 may not entirely be out of the question...
  8. Confirming no Animal Crossing playable character: Confirming Wind Waker Link as a playable character:
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