We don't have to do this at all. I have no desire to stick around here, I just had a desire to clean this ridiculous mess up since people seem so goddamn intent upon repeatedly bringing it up in the channel. The irony here is pretty hilarious.
And no, I'm not elitist. I'm very, very liberal. Just my views when it comes to the internet and real life are completely different, and think that an IRC channel is so irrelevant in the context of the entire world that it really doesn't make a difference to anything at all. I don't hate any of the new members who have stuck around, in fact I think some of them are pretty damned sound (sup thefish). I just think you are irritating and happen to be so far up your arse (hey, I'm not talking down to you, I'm being honest, you should be pleased ) that you are stuck to throwing the same word around in the completely wrong way in the vain attempt of eventually coming to a conclusion that in actual fact is so far-fetched that you no longer have any choice but to stick to it else look like a fool.
I'm ready to bury the hatchet in this thread, on this forum, whatever. I've made my point and if you want to carry on thinking I'm elitist, go ahead, I don't really care. I just want people to stop wasting my time with irrelevant drivel with regards to the running of an IRC channel. Adieu, N-E.